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 @9TV2R92 from Utah answered…2hrs2H

we should be helping out the country's who need it most, and if they need more help then increase spending.

 @9TTYN8R from Georgia answered…3hrs3H

If Jerusalem wants to be recognized as the capital of Israel, then they are. If not, then they are a capital of another country.

 @9TTY8BD from Wisconsin answered…3hrs3H

Neither, but more funds within military spending should go to the actual soldiers, not the businesses that supply equipment.

 @9TTNW9N from California answered…11hrs11H

I think as of now stay giving the same amount unless something happens where it is crucial we increase or decrease our spending

 @9TTNM8N from California answered…11hrs11H

Yes but don't send billions of dollars to them and make sure they are held accountable for any war crimes

 @9TTLNHN from Arizona answered…13hrs13H

No, I believe the U.S. should take a neutral stance as there are more domestic issues that could use that attention and support.

 @9TTJ644 from North Carolina answered…15hrs15H

Keep the federal spendings the same but don’t aid non-military personnels except political career participants.

 @9TTHZB8from Guam  answered…15hrs15H

Yes, as long as it doesn't remove the responsibility from the person or state employing it for any wrong targeting

 @9TTGJPX from Nebraska answered…16hrs16H

I do not believe friendship should be denied with a country because we do not share a complete political agreement with them

 @9TTFSWQ from Minnesota answered…16hrs16H

If they are a foreign citizen they should be tried for their crimes against humanity on an international stage.

 @9TTFQJF from Illinois answered…16hrs16H

The bigger issue is what to spend on. The war in Ukraine is really changing how warfare is conducted.

 @9TTBMZX from Connecticut answered…18hrs18H

The government should be able to perform searches and extensive checking which may go past constitutional right in order to prevent terrorism.

 @9TT93RJ from Nebraska answered…19hrs19H

I don't think we should be supporting either. we need to focus on what is happening in out own borders.