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181 Replies

 @ISIDEWITHDiscuss this answer...6mos6MO


 @9LNYJ44 from South Carolina agreed…3mos3MO

It’s as simple as look at the death rates in Palestine. If that doesn’t make you feel something then you should be locked up and no where near this topic.

 @9LQNSKN from Kansas agreed…3mos3MO

A two-state solution has widespread support among Israelis and Palestinians, as well as endorsement from global leaders and organizations. It offers Palestinians self-determination and is seen as a practical way to achieve lasting peace.

 @9LGHBF5Democrat from New Jersey disagreed…4mos4MO

The Palestinians have been radicalized and should not have a state until they demonstrate their willingness for peaceful coexistence.

 @ISIDEWITHDiscuss this answer...6mos6MO


 @9LQNSKN from Kansas disagreed…3mos3MO

The Two-State Solution for Israel and Palestine is the closest thing both sides can get to equality.

 @9LNYJ44 from South Carolina disagreed…3mos3MO

If two state solution means that the war ends on the basis of them staying to themselves and having individual states then I absolutely agree. I believe at this point Palestinians would be grateful for this option.

 @9LGHBF5Democrat from New Jersey agreed…4mos4MO

The polls of Palestinians in Gaza and the West Bank since Oct 7 show that the vast majority continue to support Hamas and violence against Israel.


Hamas is a terrorist organization that rapes and murders Jews, and is committed to the mass slaughter of all Jews. Hamas should be obliterated, and a moderate government put in place.

 @9JMJNQL from Washington answered…6mos6MO

In an ideal world this would work but I don't think this is realistic because both sides have expressed a disliking of that solution (especially Palestine)

 @9JNL5ZDRepublican from Michigan answered…6mos6MO

I do not care what happens to Palestine after all of the terrorism they have committed against Israel. We should strive for a two-state solution, however Palestinians have refused MANY two-state solutions, and instead want to wipe Jews and Israel off of the map.

 @9JM2KPY from Maryland answered…6mos6MO

I believe in a two-state solution if Gaza is temporarily under the control of Israel for the reconstruction process to ensure that another Anti-Semitic or terrorist organization is not elected as their government.

 @9JYSL9L from New Jersey answered…5mos5MO

This question makes no sense because Hamas/Palestine is fighting to have a 1 state in the region without Jews.

 @9JVMCC6 from Illinois answered…6mos6MO

The Palestinian state in this scenario must be demilitarized in order to assure Israel remains secure. The UN can no longer be trusted to be the international organization in charge of oversight.

 @9JLXDP9 from Tennessee answered…6mos6MO

I think that a two-state solution to the conflict could be made possible under new Palestinian leadership, as long as Hamas is not given any type of control.

 @9KCS2Y4 from New York answered…5mos5MO

I don't believe this will do much help. Palestinians may be okay with this agreement, but Hamas just wants to exterminate the Jews, and this "solution" will not diminish their hatred.

 @9JN7XJFRepublican from Maine answered…6mos6MO

Yes, if Hamas surrenders and the Palestinians agree to peace and to root out Terrorist Organizations in there country.

 @9L27D8R from Alabama answered…4mos4MO

No, because it will never work as has been proven in the past Palestinians don’t really want piece with Israel.

  @9CJ6CB6 from Virginia commented…4mos4MO

Nor does Israel with Palestine. Both have genocidal intent, and one is far stronger than the other. There’s no solution, literally the cleanest one (not advocating for it here) would be the dissolution of Israel entirely, but that appeasement would likely not stop the Muslim world from remaining hostile.

 @9RDG686 from New York answered…4 days4D

A single democratic state with co-presidents to represent the needs and values of both major groups would be ideal

 @9R9YR6Q from Alabama answered…4 days4D

It’s a complicated situation as both sides want there to only be one state. So I’d say no unless both sides agree to be peaceful.

 @9RC43DBRepublican from Missouri answered…5 days5D

the Palestine land is Israeli promise land they have full right to the land for it is the land of their ancestors. Israeli people are in titled to Palestine land.

 @9RBZS7Qanswered…5 days5D

It sounds like a good idea, but USA shouldn't be involved. Local people need to solve their own problems.

 @9RBBBSQ  from Alabama answered…5 days5D

I support a two-state solution in which all settlements in West Bank are dismantled and the status quo borders are respected, although I would much prefer a single-state solution facilitating the coexistence of Israelis and Palestinians.

 @9RB8Q7LIndependent from Pennsylvania answered…5 days5D

To be honest I know this is kinda bad but I bearly care when we can't take care of our own homeless and sick and mentally ill that should be the focus

 @9R9ZQL2Democrat from California answered…5 days5D

I don’t support it as an immediate solution, but I think that once Palestinian society is deradicalized and the Palestinians procure a viable political authority that recognizes the State of Israel and was willing to cooperate with Israel to advance joint security that it is a good solution for long-term peace

 @9GQK8RKNo Labels  from Wisconsin answered…5 days5D

Yes, but only if both sides will agree to cease all aggressive actions and welcome a temporary international peacekeeping force

 @9R8Q3J6 from California answered…5 days5D

A two-state solution is a start. Rights of non-Jewish citizens within Israel (and Jewish citizens within a Palestinian state) must be addressed

 @9R3XCZ5Socialist  from New York answered…1wk1W

There should be one free, democratic state where all individuals, whether Palestinian or Israeli, enjoy equal rights

 @9QZ5BXJDemocrat from Missouri answered…2wks2W

Ill be ok with it but I would also support Israel granting all Palestinian Citizenship giving them access to all benefits and services that a Israeli citizen has

 @9QYTQCC from Kansas answered…2wks2W

No, we should have a one state solution (Both Israel and Palestine have equal rights and a democracy is formed)

 @9QW9MCB from Utah answered…2wks2W

No, the Israeli-Palestinian conflict should not be of concern to the US and all spending should be stopped immediately.

 @9PY9NMZ from Florida answered…4wks4W

I support whatever solution will offer true peace, equity,and justice for all individual citizens in the end,be it a 1ss or 2ss.

 @9PXFSRRSocialist  from Utah answered…4wks4W

No. The State of Israel is a settler-colonial project that needs to be dismantaled. An apartheid state cannot be reformed, Palestinians' right of return should be honored.

 @9PVMLSQ from Texas answered…4wks4W

In theory, but the Palestinians should adopt a more Western form of government before they are recognized as their own state.

 @9PTZT2Y from Illinois answered…4wks4W

No, Israel should be Israel, but should stop persecuting the Palestinian people. If Palestine becomes a country, they won’t allow other religions to see religious symbols and structures.

 @9PSTPX4 from Maine answered…1mo1MO

They both should be able to share the land in peace. Make the massacaring of Palistinians stop. Stop funding Israel and keep those funds for the American people.

 @9PRRRVKfrom Maine answered…1mo1MO

One state for Palestine and Israel - free movement for everyone - there is enough room and resources

 @9PR8T4CAmerican Solidarity from Connecticut answered…1mo1MO

Yes, using the original UN plan as a basis and with a plan to place culturally and religiously significant locations into an independent trust governed by those who hold said locations important

  @ChaseOliver  from South Carolina answered…2mos2MO

Any solution to this conflict is up to the leaders of Israel and Palestine. While we should exert diplomatic pressure and mediate if called upon, the most important thing we must do is cease to aid and abet this conflict by providing financial and military support.

 @9MDHG7GIndependent from Georgia answered…3mos3MO

There will never be peace in that region as long as three major religions are staking their claim. There is no solution.

 @9MCPC8Z from Ohio answered…3mos3MO

Israel should be held accountable to the genocide that they have been committing and all land should be given to Palestine

 @9M8FHH4 from Texas answered…3mos3MO

That would have been a good solution but now it's gone too far and I believe Israeli shouldn't exist anymore and they should give back the land to Palestinians and live in peace with each other.

 @9M6KK6N from Texas answered…3mos3MO

I don’t think I know enough to make a clear decision, however, Palestine/Gaza should not be ruined by Israel. It’s no longer self defense…

 @9M3YSKV from Kansas answered…3mos3MO

I do not really have an opinion on this mainly because I do not have a good reason to agree or disagree and that is because I do not know a lot about this topic.

 @9K99V29  from Florida answered…3mos3MO

No, Israel in its existence as an apartheid settler colony is ontologically a threat to international security and its treatment of its neighbors only heightens that

 @9LZQ7MQRepublican from Florida answered…3mos3MO

Yes, a two-state solution is the only realistic route to peace. Palestine should be required to combat terrorist groups within their country, though

 @9LZKW7D  from Indiana answered…3mos3MO

No, the Palestinians have failed to demonstrate good faith. They have proven to desire the genocide of Jews and the destruction of the Jewish sate of Israel.

 @9LXB8JS from Arizona answered…3mos3MO

I believe we should create a proposal saying that Israel and Palestine should have equal protection in this war, maybe the two state solution can work, but both should see each other as a state/ or place

  @Aodhan.L  from Kansas answered…3mos3MO

I think an end to the apartheid state is better-- something significant needs to change because the status quo is horrendous


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