These issues below are sorted in descending order based on how important the average American voter ranked them on the quiz.
Party’s support baseNo |
Party’s support baseNo, the federal government should not have this kind of power over states |
Party’s support baseNo |
Personal answerNo, background checks are not effective and the 2nd amendment is on the books to notify government that they are not to touch it! |
Personal answerYes, addiction is not a crime. We must get to the root cause of addiction to properly treat people. Cages do not solve this problem, the war on drugs has failed. Those serving sentences for crimes without a victim should be immediately released. Prohibition does not work. |
Personal answerNo, not by law. We should remove political pensions and other benefits, removing the incentive for them to stay and be career politicians. |
Party’s support baseNo |
Party’s support baseYes |
Personal answerNo, it is unconstitutional to deny someone's rights without due process - the no fly list is unconstitutional and unreliable. |
Party’s support baseNo |
Personal answerNo, the 4th amendment says government needs a warrant. |
Personal answerNo, the bill of rights applies to all. We are a country of rights, laws, and innocence until proven guilty. |
Personal answerNo, such programs discriminate against people who are not minorities. We should all be given the same treatment under the law. |
Personal answerNo the Patriot Act is unconstitutional and is unpatriotic. |
Party’s support baseNo, and do more to prevent insider trading by their friends and family |
Personal answerYes |
Personal answerNo, the first amendment gives everyone the right to free speech, especially when we don't agree with said speech. |
Personal answerYes |
Personal answerNo, and the government should never be allowed to seize private property |
Personal answerNo |
Party’s support baseYes |
Personal answerNo, this program does not work and is unconstitutional. We should allow young people to opt out, give those who were promised something their money, and phase this program out. We should further hold those government officials accountable that have been stealing from the fund (this is fraud). |
Party’s support baseYes |
Party’s support baseNo |
Party’s support baseNo |
Personal answerYes |
Personal answerNo, let's start being responsible with spending and not wasting it on lavish items like planes that don't need to be so expensive. |
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