Try the political quiz

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 @ISIDEWITHDiscuss this answer...8yrs8Y


 @9FTP3ZWIndependent  from New York agreed…12mos12MO

Top Agreement

That we should protect our flag, if other people get in trouble for burning the pride flag then they should get into more trouble for burning our own flag that represents our freedom.

 @9FTXTM5Green from South Carolina disagreed…12mos12MO

I do disagree with burning the United States flag as it stands for our ideals and values rather than the government and state of the country itself but ultimately it is the freedom of speech and expression that allows you to do what you wish with the flag, burning the pride flag is hate speech though and has violent connotations towards others.

 @9FTYWXW from Washington disagreed…12mos12MO

Regardless of what flag is being burned, the courts have ruled that flag burning of whatever sort is constitutional and protected under the free speech provisions of the 1st amendment. Whether some find it offensive and awful to burn the American flag or the Pride Flag, at the end of the day it’s protected speech.

 @9MW8XLM from North Carolina commented…4mos4MO

No, this is a violation of free speech

Nobody gets in trouble specifically for burning the pride flag, stop it.

 @9FTXSCS from New York agreed…12mos12MO

A pride flag is not a national flag if that's burned its fine but if our nations flag is burned then that is disrespectful to our nation

 @9G9GJY2  from Pennsylvania agreed…11mos11MO

Why would you want to burn the flag? It represents ALL of america and you are not American if you burn. Flag burners and go to Russia.

  @VulcanMan6  from Kansas disagreed…11mos11MO

I would argue that flag-burners are infinitely MORE patriotic than people who never criticize their country. If a flag represents ALL of a country, then that includes all of the bad, which is why burning it is a perfectly valid means of protesting a nation's problems.

 @9G9GJY2  from Pennsylvania commented…11mos11MO

Why would any one want to burn a flag! It symbolizes America as a whole. Angry at someone, burn their picture. Angry at a organization (even a government one) or company, burn their logo. Unless you are truly unhappy with America and want to see it burn (then you are not an American) then you should not burn a flag. Let those people go to jail for a couple of weeks to consider moving to another country because they are NOT wanted here. I support FREE speech, but not HATE speech against America.

 @H0u5eHarper from Georgia disagreed…11mos11MO

The act of burning a flag, for some, is a form of political protest and symbolic speech. The Supreme Court in Texas v. Johnson (1989) actually upheld that flag desecration is protected by the First Amendment, stating that the government couldn't prohibit this expression simply because it disagrees with the message it conveys.

Consider the civil rights movement or the Vietnam War protests; the act of flag burning was used to express deep dissatisfaction with government actions. An argument could be made that it is an American principle to question and challenge our government when it's believed to be in the wrong. So one might say, those who burn the flag in protest are expressing a very American sentiment

 @9G9GJY2  from Pennsylvania commented…11mos11MO

Why would any one want to burn a flag! It symbolizes America as a whole. Angry at someone, burn their picture. Angry at a organization or country, burn their logo. Unless you are truly unhappy with America and want to see it burn (then you are not an American) then you should not burn a flag. Let them go to jail for a couple of weeks to reconsider moving to another country because they are NOT wanted here. I support FREE speech, but not HATE SPEECH against America.

  @VulcanMan6  from Kansas commented…11mos11MO

A flag is literally the "logo" of a country, so clearly you already understand why someone would reasonably burn a flag...

 @9G9WGPW from Tennessee disagreed…11mos11MO

Flag burning is constitutionally protected as free speech under the first amendment and Texas v. Johnson

 @9G9GJY2  from Pennsylvania disagreed…11mos11MO

Give me proof why this is the right decision instead of just stating what happened. Here is my proof this court case is wrong: Why would any one want to burn a flag! It symbolizes America as a whole. Angry at someone, burn their picture. Angry at a organization (even a government one) or company, burn their logo. Unless you are truly unhappy with America and want to see it burn (then you are not an American) then you should not burn a flag. Let those people go to jail for a couple of weeks to consider moving to another country because they are NOT wanted here. I support FREE speech, but not HATE speech against America.

 @FabulousH0u5eLibertarianfrom Massachusetts disagreed…11mos11MO

In the landmark 1989 Supreme Court case, Texas v. Johnson, Justice Anthony Kennedy stated, "It is poignant but fundamental that the flag protects those who hold it in contempt."

Now, regarding your perspective on equating flag burning with hate speech, it's worth noting that the U.S. legal system differentiates between the two. Hate speech is regulated when it incites violence or creates a hostile environment. Flag burning, on the other hand, is considered a symbolic speech, a nonviolent political protest.

 @9G9SJ7P from Wisconsin agreed…11mos11MO

I agree with this comment because that flag represents all the soldiers who fought for you to have rights. They make you able to live in this country safely. So burning the flag is just disrespectful.

 @9RZ44L2 from Colorado commented…1mo1MO

I understand why you would say that but that doesn’t mean it should be illegal and native Americans have a perfectly valid reason to burn our flag because we took their land

 @9FCTPHD from California agreed…1yr1Y

That we should protect our flag, if other people get in trouble for burning the pride flag then they should get into more trouble for burning our own flag that represents our freedom.

 @9F9NYZV from Washington agreed…1yr1Y

The only reason someone should burn the flag is to retire it after it has started to show wear and tear.

 @ISIDEWITHDiscuss this answer...8yrs8Y


 @9F7FCY2 from Arizona agreed…1yr1Y

Flag burning is an exercise of free speech. To not allow people to show their beliefs is oppressive and any act that doesn't hurt others, while it may not benefit society as a whole, should not be criminalized.

 @Unanim0usCheetahAmerican Solidarity from Pennsylvania disagreed…1yr1Y

While it's true that flag burning can be viewed as a form of free speech, it's also important to consider the symbolic value of a national flag. For many, it represents the struggles, sacrifices and unity of a nation. Burning it could be seen as a deeply disrespectful act, not just to the government, but also to the people and history it represents.

Take for example the case of 'Texas v. Johnson' in 1989. The U.S. Supreme Court ruled that flag burning was a form of "symbolic speech", but it was a highly contentious 5-4 decision. One could argue the narrow margin…  Read more

 @9FYLTBX from Florida disagreed…12mos12MO

It is a destruction of our national unity. It shows hate for our country and disrespect to those who fought for the flag.

 @9MW8XLM from North Carolina commented…4mos4MO

No, this is a violation of free speech

It doesn't matter, it's their right to express that. Whether that's why they are doing it or it's for other reasons. I served and swore to uphold and protect the constitution and the rights within whether I agree or not. It doesn't matter if I agree with their views or opinions, doesn't matter if I agree or disagree with if they should or shouldn't burn the flag or any other type of expression/speech. It doesn't infringe on anybody else individual freedoms and liberties. And if we take away people's rights simply bc we don't like or agree with what they are saying or doing then the flag loses all meaning

  @9CJ6CB6 from Virginia commented…12mos12MO

It is a piece of cloth with Stars and Stripes on it. If we allow any national flags at all to be burned, we let all of them be burned. It’s a part of freedom of speech, and says little about a persons actual values.

 @9FRLH27 from Wisconsin disagreed…12mos12MO

it is disrespectful to U.S. citizens and even more disrespectful to our veterans. if you are a U.S. citizen burning the country's flag you should get charged, it's as simple as that.

 @9BR8S52from Maine commented…1yr1Y

I think it is one of the most basic right to burn USA flag. United States of America is a country which base on huge unjustice. Like Russia it is dangerous imperialist aggressor with strict hypocrisy.

 @ISIDEWITHDiscuss this answer...8yrs8Y

No, this is a violation of free speech

 @9JQG3V8Independent  from Texas disagreed…8mos8MO

if you want respect for your rights in this country do not disrespect our symbol of independence and giving of that right

 @9G7ZK5P from Oklahoma disagreed…11mos11MO

It can be seen as a denouncement of America and there would be no reason to purposefully burn a flag other than to make a anti-american statement.

 @9HVX7WQfrom Guam disagreed…9mos9MO

The American flag is the Flag of our nation and is therefore the flag of the American people and we should not let people disrespect and destroy the flag.

  @9CJ6CB6 from Virginia commented…9mos9MO

People have the right to have issues with america, and that’s fine, I’ll argue, but it’s fine. My issue is when it turns to actual violence or legislation that I have problems.


In 1989, in the case Texas v. Johnson, the Supreme Court ruled that flag burning is a form of expressive conduct protected by the First Amendment. The decision emphasized that the government cannot prohibit the expression of an idea simply because society finds it offensive or disagreeable. By classifying flag burning as symbolic speech, the court affirmed that the act communicates a particular message and is entitled to constitutional protection.

 @ISIDEWITHDiscuss this answer...8yrs8Y

No, I don’t respect anyone who does but they should have the right to do so

 @9GCC5LL from Virginia disagreed…11mos11MO

Burning the flag of any nationality is showing disrespect to the people and country. If anyone is caught purposely burning flags, they should be sent to court to explain them selves.

  @VulcanMan6  from Kansas commented…11mos11MO

 @ISIDEWITHDiscuss this answer...8yrs8Y

Yes, and it should be illegal to burn any nation’s flag

 @9FVVJJM from New York agreed…12mos12MO

Soldiers fight everyday and night to keep our country safe and I believe thats what represented in our flag, burning our flag is disrespecting the United States.

 @9FWKGFXfrom Maine disagreed…12mos12MO

flag burning is a fundamental form of free speech and banning it is the first step on a path that leads to an inability to criticise the government

 @9FWBVHM from Michigan disagreed…12mos12MO

The true symbol of peace and protection in this country is the fact it's still running. Our flag is just a symbol to delineate us from other countries.

 @9FWD2QWIndependent from California disagreed…12mos12MO

Soldiers fight for freedom. Unfortunately, freedom is uniform. Freedom means the right to do things without fear of persecution. These soldiers are on the battlefield to fight for our right to fly the flag and burn the flag, salute during the anthem and kneel during the anthem, say under god or not, swear into public office on a Bible or Quran or anything else at all, and exercise self expression. That is what it means to be a freedom fighter of these United States.

 @9FWCY2F from Washington disagreed…12mos12MO

Criticism of our country should be defended and allowed to ensure a freedom of expression. Disrespecting the military is a perfectly fine position that does not need punishment. Fostering a blindly nationalistic culture is idiotic.

 @9G3CYS9Republican from Missouri agreed…11mos11MO

Freedom is still being fought for to this day. The stars on the flag represent each state that the USA has managed to acquire through hard negotiations and fights. This flag represents America proudly each and every day.


Freedom of speech is an important tenet of Liberal Democracy, and thus an important part of modern, first-world society. If we begin to police what opinions are allowed, to disallow the expression of individual morality, we lose the ability to debate ideas to change the general consensus around our societal morality. Additionally, whatever is banned is subject to the authority of the party and the time period in charge of the legislation. This can lead to outdated social views being enforced at later times, and thus unnecessarily restricting freedoms. Freedom, where it doesn't harm anyone else or violate anyone else's freedom, is a good thing, and freedom of speech is an important freedom. Burning flags is a form of freedom of speech and thus should be allowed.

 @9FNKH37 from Virginia agreed…12mos12MO

other countries went through hundreds of years of suffering to get where they are now, and burning their flag just shows a sign as disrespect

 @ISIDEWITHDiscuss this answer...8yrs8Y

No, it’s just a piece of cloth that doesn’t represent what it should

 @JuanR disagreed…1yr1Y

Top Disagreement

I think it is disrespectful to those those who fought for this country and are fighting for this country right now

 @9FF84MWPeace and Freedom from Indiana agreed…1yr1Y

Burning the flag is more than making a statement. It is the utter disrespect and disregard to those who have fought to raise that flag. When you burn the American flag, it shows that you only want to make a statement because there are so many other things you could do to show dissatisfaction. Burning the flag disgraces the whole country, not just what ever political statement you argue over.

 @9FD6DJJRepublican from Pennsylvania disagreed…1yr1Y

it symbolizes the country that we all live in, whether or not its run the way you want it to doesn't give you the right to destroy the symbol of the country you live in

 @9F4SZM8 from Texas disagreed…1yr1Y

If you do not care about your country and its pride, there are plenty of people who will. Go live in another country and see how you like it.


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