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 @ISIDEWITHDiscuss this answer...9yrs9Y


 @9FBSXB3Workers from Washington agreed…11mos11MO

Until someone proves themself safe enough to be off the no fly list they shouldn’t be allowed to purchase a gun

 @8VKDDMH from California commented…5mos5MO

No, it is unconstitutional to deny someone’s rights without due process

“Innocent until proven guilty”, is a key principle of our entire system of justice. It is not anyone's responsibility to prove that he is not a criminal, or not dangerous, in order to exercise any of his essential human rights; but rather the responsibility of anyone seeking to deny those rights to prove that the person in question is dangerous, and that there is just cause and need in that case to deny those rights.

The very existence of the “no fly list” is a blatant violation of this principle; as would be any expansion of its application to denying any other rights.

 @9F4PHHYIndependent from Texas disagreed…11mos11MO

Americans have a constitutional right to keep and bare arms. We are also protected and cannot have our liberties curtailed without due process another constitutionally protected right.

 @ISIDEWITHDiscuss this answer...9yrs9Y

No, it is unconstitutional to deny someone’s rights without due process

  @JonBSimConstitutionfrom Kentucky agreed…2yrs2Y

No, it is unconstitutional to deny someone’s rights without due process

If you're going to keep me off planes, I better get a really good reason from you.

  @JonBSimConstitutionfrom Kentucky agreed…2yrs2Y

No, it is unconstitutional to deny someone’s rights without due process

The reason he's on the list may be bunk, so he shouldn't lose his rights unless proven.

 @9GZXS75 from Oregon agreed…8mos8MO

The requirement for due process is right in the constitution. Very clearly. If allowing the government to prosecute, convict, and penalize citizens, without due process is Okay with someone, there is a constitutional amendment process they can use to change it. Good luck with that.

 @ISIDEWITHDiscuss this answer...9yrs9Y

Yes, if the government considers you too dangerous to board a plane you should not be able to buy a gun

 @93ZRL6SLibertarian from Utah disagreed…2yrs2Y

Too many innocent people have been placed on Do Not Fly lists because their name matches someone else that is a person of interest. The list is asinine.

 @9GZXS75 from Oregon disagreed…8mos8MO

The No Fly list is a secret list that is being used to restricted constitutional rights. There is no way to redress the matter and no due process is used to put people on in the first place. People are on it because the government thinks they should be. Governmental incompetence can easily be a problem, just ask Cat Stevens (the singer). Just by virtue of the lack of due process, the list is unconstitutional. It should be made public and given a means to contend listings. Restricting someone's right to gun ownership based on such a list is unconstitutional.

 @9FNGCWMProgressive from Virginia disagreed…10mos10MO

I don’t have a constitutional right to fly, I have a constitutional right to purchase and own a firearm. The standard of proof to deprive me of my constitutional right should greatly exceed the burden of proof to put me on the no-fly list.

 @9FN7RMGCommunist from Oklahoma disagreed…10mos10MO

The government has weaponized gun control against black Americans for decades and most likely has done the same with the no-fly list

 @ISIDEWITHDiscuss this answer...9yrs9Y


 @9FZ7SQ7Democrat from New Jersey disagreed…10mos10MO

Just because you arent allowed to fly, doesnt mean that you shouldnt have acces to guns. Although guns and mass shootings are one of the largest problems in the US, they can be used for self defense.

 @ISIDEWITHDiscuss this answer...9yrs9Y

Yes, but not until the no-fly list screening process is improved for accuracy and includes due process

 @ISIDEWITHDiscuss this answer...9yrs9Y

Yes, and ban the sale of guns and ammunition to anyone

 @9G9TFLSRepublican from Missouri disagreed…9mos9MO

Shouldn't ban this all cause someone is on a certain list. As long as they didn't do anything bad, they should be good.

 @9FBJKXZ from Minnesota disagreed…11mos11MO

The second amendment goes for anyone within reason, just because you aren't allowed to fly doesn't mean you should have your constitutional rights revoked.

 @ISIDEWITHDiscuss this answer...9yrs9Y

No, this is a slippery slope that will eventually ban the sale of guns to anyone

 @9FM3MHP from California disagreed…10mos10MO

The "No, this is a slippery slope that will eventually ban the sale of guns to anyone" argument against using the No-Fly List for gun control raises concerns about potential overreach and erosion of Second Amendment rights. It's important to address these concerns by emphasizing the need for due process and accuracy in identifying potential threats on the list. Implementing gun restrictions solely based on the No-Fly List without ensuring transparency and accuracy could infringe on individuals' rights and set a precedent for government overreach.

 @9FBJKXZ from Minnesota agreed…11mos11MO

The ATF has been unlawfully redefining what they consider illegal and many individuals are being penalized for something that was entirely legal. The people should not be punished for exercising their 2nd amendment right.

 @9JXXLR9 from Oklahoma agreed…5mos5MO

First, they will start with the no-fly list, then felons, then anyone with a criminal record, then everyone.

 @9FBSXB3Workers from Washington disagreed…11mos11MO

Good, I don’t believe you should own a gun if you can’t fly on the no fly list, there should be more ballots where the actual citizens vote on the issues and if it’s a slippery slope there should be safeguards built into the laws

 @587QZFYfrom Florida answered…4yrs4Y

The Constitution is for our protection..not for the protection of suspected terrorists. If someone is on the "no fly" list... they need to prove themselves innocent/safe. I agree this sounds like it is against "innocent until proven guilty" but do we want innocent until you kill 200 people ?

  @JonBSimConstitutionfrom Kentucky disagreed…2yrs2Y

No, it is unconstitutional to deny someone’s rights without due process

We shouldn't go "Minority Report".

 @8YDCCSQ from North Carolina answered…3yrs3Y

Depends on what they were put on the No-fly list for and I believe the nofly list should be improved for accuracy and includes due process.

  @morphoenix from Florida answered…2yrs2Y

No, but there should be a more rigorous process to purchase a gun and ammunition.

 @9GZDTYYIndependent from Maryland answered…8mos8MO

Yes, I believe that suspected terrorists on the federal terrorism watch list should be banned from purchasing guns and ammunition but only after investigation(s) and judicial review of the suspected terrorist have substantial enough evidence to imply the individual may engage in terrorist activities, because at that point the individual has essentially surrendered their right to bear arms by interfering with the rights of others.

 @8YWD8TW from Florida answered…2yrs2Y

 @8WX2B45 from Virginia answered…3yrs3Y

There should be no such thing as a "No fly" list. Private transportation entities should be responsible for ensuring the security of their passengers.

 @8GQYS3S from South Carolina answered…4yrs4Y

there are people on the no-fly list for reasons that would not preclude them from being reasonable gun owners. yes a lot of the reasons are certainly good reasons for keeping an individual from owning a gun but you can't throw individuals out for the collective. what is the reason they were put on the No-fly list is that reason to not let them have a gun. don't let them have a gun then. if it isn't though they should still be allowed to have a gun .

 @97GLQX3 from North Carolina answered…2yrs2Y

Yes and ensure that list is accurate and fair. Gun ownership is not a right, its a terrible privilege. America has a serious addiction to power, coersion, and violence.

 @97N7LGG from Kansas commented…2yrs2Y

What does "the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed" mean? America has a serious stupidity issue. Why isn't anyone concerned about the fact that 36 million adults in the U.S. don’t have basic reading, writing, and math skills above a third-grade level & the number of functionally illiterate adults is increasing by approximately two and one quarter million persons each year? 27% of eighth grade students are below basic reading level, 39% are below the proficient reading level. They're letting students graduate from high school not…  Read more

 @9RB74MN from Tennessee answered…5 days5D

1: Depends on the reason they are on the No Fly List 2: Only once the No Fly List is 100% accurate, and there is a way to differentiate people with the same name who aren't on it

 @jadenstr1 from Missouri answered…1wk1W

Yes, but only if they do not pass the screening that one should need to go through to purchase a firearm, not just because they are a suspected terrorist.

 @9QZN98Z from Georgia answered…2wks2W

No, the no-fly list should remain as it is because we need to quickly be able to recognize threats, but there should be a similar list with due process that would keep terrorists and extremely dangerous people from purchasing guns.

 @9QW96TN from Illinois answered…2wks2W

Yes, but allow citizens (or undocumented residents) to request that their status be reviewed and appealed.

 @9QQH2W9 from Florida answered…3wks3W

It's all jolly and good until they use it against us citizens they seem terrorists. I remain undecided.

 @9QMCN7Bfrom Maine answered…3wks3W

No, the no-fly list is purely at the discretion of unelected officials and should have no functional effect on anyone’s life

 @CurvyletterConstitution answered…4wks4W

No, as it infringes on Second Amendment rights without due process and potentially punishes innocent people

 @9Q4W6R6 from California answered…4wks4W

No, considering the fact that people were placed on the no fly list for things as simple as refusing to wear a mask. Refusing to wear a mask shouldn't forbid someone from owning a firearm.

 @9PKKFQ7  from Illinois answered…1mo1MO

Yes, if you are a suspected terrorist or even have a background being so you should not be able to purchase and gun or any weapon of that matter.

 @9NQVP7L from Michigan answered…2mos2MO

There must be burden of proof on the part of any government entity to bar individuals from transportation. A free citizen must be treated as a free citizen with regard to weapons and transportation. Anyone not trusted to fly or own weapons should probably remain incarcerated.

 @9N9QMZL from Virginia answered…2mos2MO

Once the “no fly list” is fixed so it doesn’t include people who shouldn’t be on the list, I would answer the question as “yes”.

 @9N9KYR2 from Florida answered…2mos2MO

I believe that it depends on the circumstances. In general, it is infact unconstitutional to deny someone's rights without due process. However, if the person is clearly shown to be dangerous, or are on the "no-fly list" BECAUSE of an issue involving guns and ammunition, I believe that the government has every right to prevent them from purchasing guns and/or ammunition.

 @9N5PWJL from Florida answered…2mos2MO

If the entire concept is that they would turn the plant into a weapon, then, by extension, and by merit, they should not have access to other weapons. Same as felons.


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