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 @ISIDEWITHDiscuss this answer...12yrs12Y

No, and pass strict laws prohibiting government surveillance without probable cause and a warrant

 @9FRHCCC from Nebraska disagreed…10mos10MO

Goes against the constitution, if one part of the constitution falls, the rest of it will follow and our country will fall and become nothing

 @Sharar from Montana agreed…8mos8MO

Warrantless Surveillance and Data Collection:
Under Section 215 of the Patriot Act, also known as the "business records" or "library records" provision, the government can collect a wide range of records, including library records, medical records, and financial records, without requiring a warrant based on probable cause.
This provision has raised concerns that it allows the government to engage in mass data collection, potentially impacting the privacy of innocent individuals.

Use of National Security Letters (NSLs):
The Patriot Act expanded the use of National Security…  Read more

 @9FRHMLC from Texas disagreed…10mos10MO

If someone is screaming in a home or in dire need of help, I believe they have reasonable cause to go inside no matter what, but i think the laws on the patriot act are good

 @ISIDEWITHDiscuss this answer...12yrs12Y


 @9HFBYDK  from Ohio agreed…8mos8MO

If the government passed this people that were innocnet would be killed. They could think that some random person is a terrorist or a killer, when in reality you can't fully tell.

 @9FV23H6 from Colorado agreed…10mos10MO

If someone has a spouse and children, imagine the nightmare you would see when the FBI is knocking on the door saying they need to search your house. When completely innocent, they could have found a crumb, paper work, or guns and they try and make it a case. "Its drugs, or this classified information that no citizen should have eyes one, or this is "unlicensed"." Tell me how that's fair to the families who are innocent.

 @99NCX8NRepublican from Indiana disagreed…1yr1Y

It infringes on our privacy and gives the government too much power over people.

 @ISIDEWITHDiscuss this answer...12yrs12Y


 @PantiusIndependent  from North Carolina disagreed…10mos10MO

The patriot act is a blatant abuse of power and against the 1st and 4th Amendments and was a scapegoat to get the government to control people's lives

 @9FVJ9XYRepublican  from Nevada disagreed…10mos10MO

The Government’s number one priority is to protect our citizens. There is nothing in the language of the Constitution that prohibits Government surveillance.

 @PantiusIndependent  from North Carolina commented…10mos10MO

The fourth protects people from unreasonable searches and seizures by the government, the patriot act actively allows the government to wiretap or secretly conduct a physical search of a citizen without a warrant.

 @GiddyInd3p3ndentPatriot from Texas disagreed…10mos10MO

While it's true that the Fourth Amendment protects against unreasonable searches and seizures, it's important to remember that the Patriot Act was established in a post-9/11 world, when the threat level was incredibly high. The Act doesn't permit random and unwarranted invasions of privacy. Instead, it allows for surveillance only if there's tangible proof that an individual is tied to terrorism. As an example, in 2009, Najibullah Zazi was arrested due to email surveillance under the Patriot Act. He was planning to bomb the New York subway, which could have resulted in num…  Read more

 @Sharar from Montana disagreed…8mos8MO

While the Patriot Act was implemented with the intention of enhancing national security and preventing terrorism, its provisions have the potential to infringe on the civil liberties and privacy rights of individuals. The act allows for the collection of vast amounts of data, including phone records, financial records, and internet communications, without requiring a warrant based on probable cause. This is a gross violation of the Fourth Amendment, which protects against unreasonable searches and seizures.

Furthermore, the secretive nature of some surveillance activities, such as those conduc…  Read more

 @9FV23H6 from Colorado disagreed…10mos10MO

Why should they have the right to come into your house, look through your things, take valuables, and try and get you in trouble when you did nothing? Unless there is evidence they should have no rights to search your home. The evidence needs to be reliable, not sloppy. What they are doing can ruin lives, families, and relationships all for nothing. No kid should have to see they're home being searched because the FBI is bored. Irs childish and needs to be stopped.

 @9FRHMLC from Texas agreed…10mos10MO

I dont think its an invasion of privacy, if they have a cause that can be stated then they should be allowed to go

 @ISIDEWITHDiscuss this answer...12yrs12Y

Yes, but limit the scope of the government’s powers

 @ISIDEWITHDiscuss this answer...7yrs7Y

Yes, but the sections involving surveillance and criminalization are too broad

 @8JCJLWVUnity from Texas answered…4yrs4Y

I have a lot of concerns about how the Patriot Act infringes on US citizen rights and thus am generally skeptical of it.

 @8F9BXYWConstitution from California answered…4yrs4Y

No, thw gov' should have zero business in spying on you. its a violation of a basic human right to privacy, so yes there should be stricter laws on government for thid

 @9HKX6M6from Maryland answered…8mos8MO

No, abolish the Patriot Act and Dept. of Homeland Security and pass strict laws prohibiting government surveillance without probable cause and a warrant

 @52YJQ55from North Carolina answered…4yrs4Y

 @4TXVWDSfrom Michigan answered…4yrs4Y

No. I understand the idea, and I'm sure many terrorist acts have been prevented because of survelience. However, we cannot give up our individual freedoms in order to feel protected. You didn't see this scale of "American Infidel" in the past. We were a better country before. We were proud of our country (on the large scale) and there was such a thing as the American Dream. We have deterriorated as a country. There is no "American Dream" unless you county being materialistic, judgemental, and constantly offended. During World War II people gave up luxurie…  Read more

 @8M7WLY4 from Texas answered…4yrs4Y

Yes the sections regarding communication between agencies. No regarding the surveillance and searches.

 @4QBFGKKfrom California answered…4yrs4Y

No, many parts of it including section 215 completely undermine the constitutional rights of U.S citizens

 @5BXFFJZfrom Washington answered…4yrs4Y

It has been the excuse to enforce the UN Global agenda. 9.11 was an inside job. Create the fear and terror, then work to destroy the country to the point they can call in UN "peacekeepers" who have no affiliation other than to the UN, and would work for their richest elite - not to help us.

 @4S4KFX8from Oregon answered…4yrs4Y

Well... Not really. They've gone too far with it. I do support placing cameras everywhere and monitoring what people do in public. Are 2 guys carrying satchel charges to the stands of the Boston Marathon? Gosh, maybe that's a problem. Did an unattended bag explode? Gosh, maybe we can see who put it there before it blew up... Is someone mugging your mother in front of the A&P? Gosh, maybe we could alert the cop on the next block...

 @4S3TY7Pfrom New York answered…4yrs4Y

With a warrant for any American citizen. Must have an individualized warrant. Mass survallence on Islamic citizens. Ban refugees for 2 years. Push a propaganda campaign for women's rights in the Middle East and stop lying about Islam for political gain or political correctness

 @9H98WW7 from Maryland answered…8mos8MO

No, abolish the Patriot Act and Dept. of Homeland Security, and pass strict laws prohibiting government surveillance without probable cause and a warrant

 @99MFTPG from Washington answered…1yr1Y

 @4ST4KNBfrom Maryland answered…4yrs4Y

I have a brown skin. Anytime I travel on a plane, I have to endure extra security procedures. I am not middle-eastern, I am an all-American racial mix. Think about that.

 @4R2SYPDfrom Georgia answered…4yrs4Y

The Patriot Act should be subjected to a constitutional test as should be all legislation. It should have a sunset clause.

 @4QC43PPfrom Indiana answered…4yrs4Y

Yes, but do away with detainment and deportation because it violates due process.

 @94FCS3CDemocrat from Washington answered…2yrs2Y

 @4WGZZJKRepublicanfrom Vermont answered…4yrs4Y

Yes, but with sunset provision requiring Congressional approval every 2 years.

 @4QT6B3Kfrom Illinois answered…4yrs4Y

Absolutely not this gives big government too much power to spy and pry into citizens private lives. There doesn't need to be a patriot act for the government to protect itself and its citizens. It's called have a pair of balls and let Old Glory fly.

 @9GZ3BK8 from Maryland answered…8mos8MO

No, abolish the Patriot Act and Department of Homeland Security and pass strict laws prohibiting government surveillance without probable cause and a warrant

 @9GZDTYYIndependent from Maryland answered…8mos8MO

No, the government should not have free reign to conduct searches of these sorts of things without probably cause or a warrant for the activity.

 @9GYTGHDIndependence  from Pennsylvania answered…8mos8MO

Yes, but limit the scope of government powers and pass strict laws prohibiting government surveillance without probable cause and a warrant.

 @9B8BFNG from Washington answered…1yr1Y

I don't really understand this but I think that any provisions of the act that allow invasion of a private residence without a search warrant is unconstitutional.

 @8NNG93QLibertarianfrom Virgin Islands answered…4yrs4Y

I support the idea that the government collects knowledge for security, but only with legal and necessary reasons.

 @8XJ9Q7P from California answered…3yrs3Y

Yes, but make more specific the list of activities that qualify for terrorism charges.

 @8WNNV58Independent from Mississippi answered…3yrs3Y

 @9QWF89Z from California answered…2wks2W

The Patriot Act is an utter abomination, and it makes America closely resemble a near totalitarian dictatorship overtime.

 @9QT3NHC from Wisconsin answered…2wks2W

Yes if there is a security threat. Our government has become too weaponized to trust and I worry where this would go. Yes but with a LOT of restrictions and heavy penalties if violated.


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