Try the political quiz

3 Replies

 @9HFBYDK  from Ohio agreed…5mos5MO

If the government passed this people that were innocnet would be killed. They could think that some random person is a terrorist or a killer, when in reality you can't fully tell.

 @9FV23H6 from Colorado agreed…7mos7MO

If someone has a spouse and children, imagine the nightmare you would see when the FBI is knocking on the door saying they need to search your house. When completely innocent, they could have found a crumb, paper work, or guns and they try and make it a case. "Its drugs, or this classified information that no citizen should have eyes one, or this is "unlicensed"." Tell me how that's fair to the families who are innocent.

 @99NCX8NRepublican from Indiana disagreed…1yr1Y

It infringes on our privacy and gives the government too much power over people.


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