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 @9RLVFS5 from Michigan answered…42mins42m

No, businesses can deny service but if it can be proven that the denial was based in prejudice the customer deserves com…

 @9RLV4X4 from Illinois answered…52mins52m

Any immutable characteristic should be illegal to discriminate against. gender identiy/expression is no exception to tha…

 @9RLT8QL from Michigan answered…1hr1H

Separation of church and state is important but we do not need to waste federal tax dollars to remove any semblance of r…

 @9RLT8QL from Michigan answered…1hr1H

Ban the flag from public display as it is a symbol of racism, separatism, secessionism, and treason.

 @9RLT8QL from Michigan answered…1hr1H

I lean pro-life and wish to gradually minimize abortion. I am against abortion for most cases with exceptions for rape,…

 @9RLT8QL from Michigan answered…1hr1H

Only if absolutely necessary, such as in the case of medical emergencies, rape, incest, etc, increase funding for foster…

 @9RLT4HS from New York answered…1hr1H

not really, what if it somebody misgenders another by accident, and said person tries to blow it up? it would be a mess…

 @9RL68FT from New Jersey answered…4hrs4H

No abortion should be allowed to be produced or taken by patients as it is dangerous for our country and people are acce…

 @9RLP9FQ from California answered…4hrs4H

No, this would radicalize a good segment of the population. But ban the purchase and sale of such weapons moving forward…

 @9RLNRZ4 from Georgia answered…4hrs4H

Yes, if the child goes through lengthy therapy and diagnostics to ensure their want and safety, but only for non-surgica…

 @9RLNRZ4 from Georgia answered…4hrs4H

Yes, when the student enrolls they should give their "trigger list" as I'll call it to staff, and that staff should dist…

 @9RLNRZ4 from Georgia answered…4hrs4H

Yes, but allow churches to refuse same-sex marriages, and take the government out of marriage and make it a religious de…

 @9RLNRZ4 from Georgia answered…4hrs4H

Yes and No. It should be per person, not per business, so for example if the owner was taking your order, and refused to…

 @9RLNRZ4 from Georgia answered…4hrs4H

No, they should ban all but 1 to 4 types of guns for the public, and anyone who would like to purchase one must go throu…

 @9RLNRZ4 from Georgia answered…4hrs4H

No, I think there should be an additional league for anyone who doesn't feel comfortable playing as male or female. Sinc…

 @9RLMTR6 from Pennsylvania answered…5hrs5H

I think there should be leagues where athletes are allowed to take whatever supplements/steroids they like. Trans athlet…

 @9RLMTR6 from Pennsylvania answered…5hrs5H

Family planning clinics should receive some government funding, Planned Parenthood has a monopoly and should be broken u…

 @9RLMFVW from Pennsylvania answered…5hrs5H

No, but products covered by health insurance desperately need to have their prices be controlled as health care in Ameri…

 @9RLM5KB from Montana answered…5hrs5H

Currently gender identity should not be added, however I can see it happening in the future once there is more understan…

 @9RLLH8S from New Mexico answered…6hrs6H

Yes, as long as the female troop is able to perform on par with her male counterparts. Physical fitness tests do not def…

 @9RLKSFH from Florida answered…6hrs6H

Pro-choice, and there should be a system for men and women to revoke their parental rights and responsibilities if they…

 @9RLK9SR from Illinois answered…6hrs6H

Yes, but only if the request asks the business owner to take an action expressly against their religious beliefs, not if…

 @9RLJFVY from Kansas answered…7hrs7H

Trans women should not be allowed to compete against women because they have an unfair advantage. Trans men should be al…

 @9RLGGZL from Texas answered…8hrs8H

I feel like depending on the situation it should be provided. For some people birth control isn't used so much to preven…

 @9RL7BP7 from Arkansas answered…12hrs12H

It depends upon whether the age of transition was before puberty, due to structural effects of testosterone during puber…