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 @9V2Z5WC from Illinois answered…28mins28m

Yes, but only if they have their green card and are considered a citizen and not a immigrant who came here illegally.

 @9V2XQ8C from North Carolina answered…53mins53m

You should not be able to run after the age of 60 AND all politicians should take a mental competency test no matter the age.

 @9V2QSQZ from California answered…8hrs8H

it should not be abolished but the electoral college has too much power and influence which can sway an election in a great deal. Completely opposing the majori…

 @9V2LYVY from California answered…11hrs11H

Yes, switch to a system where every person ranks all the candidates in which order they'd like them to be president.

 @9V2BW6T from Nebraska answered…15hrs15H

as long as they pay taxes, registered citizens of the U.S. and have come over legally they should be aloud to vote

 @9V29N72 from Tennessee answered…16hrs16H

Yes, a mentally competency test should be required for all candidates and submitted at the time of filling candidacy.

 @9V29N72 from Tennessee answered…16hrs16H

Raised, lowered, or stay the same- but a simple test to prove competency and awareness of the candidates, issues, politics, and history should be required to vo…

 @9V26T5V from South Carolina answered…18hrs18H

If they are citizens of the United States, then yes. If they are not citizens of the United States (illegal immigrants), then no.

 @9V25YH4 from New Jersey answered…18hrs18H

Yes, but there should be a basic test for voters under 18 on their knowledge and understanding of politics.

 @RWM1999 from Texas answered…19hrs19H

No, unless the politician was subjected to proven political persecution and the conviction was false

 @9TZHN25 from Michigan answered…23hrs23H

Only if they pass a test to show they are just as smart as an American when it comes to the political system.

 @9TZGG3L from Utah answered…24hrs24H

Yes as long as they are 14-17+ and have parental permission and have been properly educated about the system and the candidates.