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 @ISIDEWITH submitted…4hrs4H

Ranked Choice Voting Faces Battles Across the U.S.


 @ISIDEWITH submitted…9hrs9H

Diverse Solutions to Homelessness Highlighted in House Candidates' Platforms


 @9RLV4X4 from Illinois answered…1hr1H

I think it's a good idea to have some kind of identification - but for most people that's a valid drivers license, and n…

 @9RLTMYM from Ohio answered…1hr1H

No. Citizens who have been convicted of felonies are not allowed to vote in many states, so politicians who have been co…

 @9RLT8QL from Michigan answered…2hrs2H

Wealthy and powerful individuals should not be allowed to fund a campaign for a candidate, and especially not if they ar…

 @9RLSK3R from Georgia answered…2hrs2H

No, but we need to make the process of becoming an American citizen much more accessible and easy to those who wish to o…

 @9RLS2MY from Massachusetts answered…2hrs2H

No, and repeal state laws that require the electoral college to vote for the same candidate as the popular vote.

 @9RLQ6YZ from Louisiana answered…4hrs4H

All politicians should be required to pass a competency test and no one over the age of 70 should be able to run for off…

 @9RLQ6YZ from Louisiana answered…4hrs4H

It should be tied to a federal law allowing citizens formerly convicted of a crime to vote. If they can, politicians can…

 @9RLQ6YZ from Louisiana answered…4hrs4H

Yes, all donations should be banned and elections should be publicly funded with an equal spending cap for each candidat…

 @9RLNRZ4 from Georgia answered…4hrs4H

Yes, and ban most political donations and make every donation fully public. Also integrate a basic public funding progra…

 @9RLNRZ4 from Georgia answered…4hrs4H

No, and there should be a maximum age of 65 to vote, along with much different restrictions on who can and cannot vote.

 @9RLNRZ4 from Georgia answered…4hrs4H

Yes, and send a letter to every citizen over the age of 18 who isn't registered to vote, a letter or email or some kind…

 @9RLNRZ4 from Georgia answered…4hrs4H

Yes, but only if they're a legal citizen, which should be given for simply paying taxes or living in the country for 2+…

 @9RLM5KB from Montana answered…5hrs5H

No, but it should be a more even election than just the electoral college the popular vote should have more say

 @9RLJFKP from New York answered…7hrs7H

No, mental competency is too subjective and could be abused AND we should incentivize younger people in office and de-in…

 @9RLHV84 from Texas answered…7hrs7H

Yes, and get rid of voting barriers for felons. If a felon can run for president, they should be able to vote.

 @9RKYVPX from Nevada answered…20hrs20H

No, not unless everyone else has to take the same test. Age can just be a number when it comes to aging.

 @9RKYHBS from Massachusetts answered…20hrs20H

No, as long as all donations are public knowledge, none are collectively from any type of business, and the terms of suc…