Try the political quiz

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 @ISIDEWITHDiscuss this answer...9yrs9Y


 @9FMR2PF from Nevada agreed…1yr1Y

Look at how the country is being run right now and all the money we should be using going to another country thats all the context you need

 @9DHYK4PLibertarian from Utah commented…1yr1Y

You cannot apply for a job, fly on an airliner, file your taxes, etc... without some proper form of Gov't ID. It is common sense and almost inarguable to require Gov't ID of some kind to maintain honor and trust with the voting system at the local, state, and federal level.

 @R3f0rmTortoiseRepublican from Massachusetts agreed…1yr1Y

That's a valid point. Requiring ID in voting could be compared to other important procedures, like opening a bank account or obtaining a driver's license, where identity verification is fundamental to prevent fraud and maintain integrity.

 @9QCXKPW from Georgia agreed…3mos3MO

To say it would be a disadvantage to someone who doesn't have the resources to get a govt ID is insane. (Not saying you said this, this was a response to the question in the quiz). If someone doesn't have the cahoots to understand what it is they need to do to obtain an ID, that is likely not someone that needs to be voting. Uneducated individuals also should also be held to a higher standard and needs to show their understanding of government policies and what is it they are voting on. Why would we let someone - who maybe didn't graduate high school, milks the system and takes…  Read more

 @9F7J82S from Ohio commented…1yr1Y

Yes, this will prevent voter fraud

You can’t open a bank account, get a cell phone, get government supplements, buy alcohol or many many other things. Let’s face it, people have access to IDs and to say otherwise is just false. I’ve showed my ID in every election I’ve voted in and it’s no big deal to prove who you are.

 @9F9LM2P from Michigan agreed…1yr1Y

Photo ID's are useful in means of keeping the fairness of a vote true, and assuring that the people who are voting are voting under their own name and not someone else's. The Photo ID also makes sure that legal, of-age U.S. Citizens are voting. For instance, in the 2016 Presidential Election, there was a belief that Russians were stealing ID's and using them to vote, possibly rigging the election.

 @9FN2CBJ from Missouri agreed…1yr1Y

Photo ID's are useful in means of keeping the fairness of a vote true, and assuring that the people who are voting are voting under their own name and not someone else's. The Photo ID also makes sure that legal, of-age U.S. Citizens are voting. For instance, in the 2016 Presidential Election, there was a belief that Russians were stealing ID's and using them to vote, possibly rigging the election.

 @ISIDEWITHDiscuss this answer...9yrs9Y

Yes, this will prevent voter fraud


If we increase voting security then the overall fairness of presidential elections would be good enough to ensure accurate results.

 @ISIDEWITHDiscuss this answer...9yrs9Y


 @9FMR2PF from Nevada disagreed…1yr1Y

That people doing vote in mail ballots for president are fools and it was so easy to tell the 2020 election was stolen

 @9F9LM2P from Michigan disagreed…1yr1Y

With the use of a photo ID, citizens of the United States will be able to be verified that they are at least 18 years of age, that they are a legal U.S. citizen, and that they are the person who they say they are, so that the theft of someone else's ID will not be used to steal their vote.

 @ISIDEWITHDiscuss this answer...9yrs9Y

No, and automatically register every citizen to vote when they turn 18

 @9F88WGXRepublican from Iowa disagreed…1yr1Y

Even with automatically registering everybody, that doesn't mean the computer couldn't make a mistake or that the computer could be hacked or modified.

 @9FDXN7Wfrom Maine disagreed…1yr1Y

Even with automatically registering everybody, that doesn't mean the computer couldn't make a mistake or that the computer could be hacked or modified.

 @9FN2CBJ from Missouri disagreed…1yr1Y

Even with automatically registering everybody, that doesn't mean the computer couldn't make a mistake or that the computer could be hacked or modified.

 @ISIDEWITHDiscuss this answer...9yrs9Y

No, this will disadvantage those who do not have the resources to obtain one

 @9FFYM23 from Tennessee disagreed…1yr1Y

If they do not have the recourse to obtain one then they do not need to vote. It’s as simple as that.

 @9QCXKPW from Georgia commented…3mos3MO

This!!! Like figure it out! I am tired of the excuses. That is why the nation is so divided. There is a total mass of uneducated, unmotivated people listening to Biden talk about free this and free that and let's raise taxes for the wealthy - and they're all thinking "hell yeah! I don't have to work because the working class is being taxes higher to provide for my laziness" They have no idea how money works etc. If they did I'd be confident to say they would maybe vote a little differently.

 @9RGQQGD from Illinois commented…3mos3MO


You do understand when democrats discuss raising taxes on the rich that doesn’t mean someone who is working a standard office job, construction, etc. it’s referring to billionaire CEO’s who have more money than they know what to do with and the people who hoard their money and have accumulated the nations income and reside in the top 1% correct? Like, be realistic. He is not coming for the Walmart store Manager or the man who owns his family business, or the doctor who is average, or the reject business major who is simply making it by. It’s not the people who make eve…  Read more

 @9S8MS8CRepublican from Georgia commented…2mos2MO

bro you need a id for driving, school, college, driving, to leave the country you have access to it if you can get all of that you can get a voter id it is way more secure than not having it i dont know why we dont already have it

 @9FG59ST from Utah disagreed…1yr1Y

Voter ID are implemented with the goal of preventing voter fraud, which is a legitimate concern for the integrity of the electoral process.

 @9F8MJF9Progressive from Georgia disagreed…1yr1Y

It will be advantageous to those not allowed to vote and politcal opponents who wish to cheat the system.

 @9F9H2W5Republican from Michigan disagreed…1yr1Y

Everyone should have an ID to show themselves so it’s a fair election and not just by random people who didn’t even want to be put on there.

 @ISIDEWITHDiscuss this answer...9yrs9Y

No, and there is little evidence that voter fraud even exists

 @9FQTKLK from Minnesota disagreed…1yr1Y

Until we require photo ID at the polling center and go back to in person voting we need to assume some level of fraud. We’re not doing what is needed to minimize the possibility of fraud.

 @9R3GF9ZRepublican from Arizona disagreed…3mos3MO

Witnessed it, friends and neighbors tracked votes that were never counted due to location offering markers that don't work with voting machine reader.

 @9S8MS8CRepublican from Georgia commented…2mos2MO

okay if it is true so what its still way better than not having it at all id rather have it and know everything is accurate than not having it at all


Yes, but guarantee every 18 year old receives one at no cost

 @8NDHZFH from Nebraska answered…4yrs4Y

 @5BD4K5QSocialistfrom Maine answered…4yrs4Y

Yes, but make having an ID free for every citizen

  @jwolfsg1590Constitution from California commented…2yrs2Y

People can't afford $30?

  @VulcanMan6  from Kansas commented…12mos12MO

Plus the time off work, the transportation, etc...and also, no, many people actually do not have an extra $30 in their budget. Poor people exist, a lot of them. Don't act like that's a wild concept...

 @9K4DS2BRepublican from Michigan disagreed…8mos8MO

Yes, this will prevent voter fraud

Often there is public transportation set up for voting. voting is set up early in the morning, till rather late at night. If it is such a hardship to make it in, they have mail in ballots.

 @9G9C49K from North Carolina answered…12mos12MO

Yes, but the government should provide one to all citizens free of charge and register citizens automatically on their 18th birthday

 @8HFKMFY from Utah answered…4yrs4Y

Yes, but guarantee everyone gets ID and register citizens when they turn 18, otherwise no.

 @8MQHB9C from Iowa answered…4yrs4Y

 @98WXD35 from Texas answered…2yrs2Y

Yes, and voters should be required to pass a basic test demonstrating their understanding of politics in order to vote

 @59VC7RDfrom Florida answered…4yrs4Y

No. The only voter fraud that has been proved is perpetrated by political parties, not voters.

 @9TYJFHK from Illinois disagreed…3wks3W

Actually, most of the probable fraud is small-scale operations (voting in a dead person's names, filing the ballot of a patient on their behalf, etc).

 @8MLN9XC from Minnesota commented…4yrs4Y

No, this will disadvantage those who do not have the resources to obtain one

No that is a form of voter suppression, by requiring a photo ID at the polls you aren't going to let millions of people, in low income neighbor hoods centered around big cities, to vote. Many people in big cities don't get there drivers license for they don't need to drive to work, they can take public transportation. So by requiring it that is suppressing the vote by only allowing rich people from the suburbs to vote i.e. white people.

 @94BQQXV from Texas commented…2yrs2Y

A driver license is only $25, I'm not a citizen so I have to renew every year, but I don't have any problem with that.

How come an American cannot let aside $25 every 5 years?

 @95R9Z7N from Washington commented…2yrs2Y

While 25$ isn't much to me, it will be to some people. Also, there should never be a fiscal charge for voting. If you don't have, or can't afford a driver's licence, there should be a alternate form of (photo) ID available for free. We need it to get on a airplane, voting is just as important.

 @99C85KD from Virginia commented…2yrs2Y

In states that do require a ID to vote, generally they offer a Free ID to use plus have a list of acceptable forms of ID.

 @9S8MS8CRepublican from Georgia commented…2mos2MO

if you cant get one thats your problem if you cant spend at most 25 dollars you need to find a new job and quit the crap job you have

 @95ZXVZ8Democrat from Washington commented…2yrs2Y


How is 25 dollars a lot for a 5 yr period! I spend at least 40 dollars in GTA everyday, if I can afford that they can afford 25 dollars in 5 yrs.

 @9SYN6CF from Arkansas answered…1mo1MO

Yes, but guarantee every 18 year old receives one at no cost and is automatically registered to vote


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