Try the political quiz

740 Replies

 @ISIDEWITHDiscuss this answer...1yr1Y


 @9HJ2HMB from Pennsylvania agreed…8mos8MO

After a certain age, your brain does not work as well as it used to. Which is why we need limits on age.

 @ISIDEWITHDiscuss this answer...1yr1Y

Yes, and politicians of any age should be required to pass a mental competency test

 @9F78M2X from Washington disagreed…11mos11MO

I think that if they want to still be in the government and be at that age that they should make sure they're mentally okay.

 @ISIDEWITHDiscuss this answer...1yr1Y

Yes, and ban anyone over the age of 75 from running for office

 @9H3WP2C from Tennessee disagreed…8mos8MO

The age of retirement is mandated by the government, it has no connection to mental competency. Someone could be young and mentally incompetent, while someone else can be extremely old and mentality fit.

 @ISIDEWITHDiscuss this answer...1yr1Y

No, I would prefer term limits instead

 @9HJ2HMB from Pennsylvania disagreed…8mos8MO

Mental competency testing is important, because the president has alot of duties. And if they can't pass a mental competency test, then they should not be president.

 @ISIDEWITHDiscuss this answer...1yr1Y

 @ISIDEWITHDiscuss this answer...1yr1Y

No, this discriminates against older politicians

 @ISIDEWITHDiscuss this answer...1yr1Y

No, our government needs experienced leaders

 @9BTY39B from Georgia answered…1yr1Y

No, because our government needs experienced leaders and mental competency is too subjective and the testing process could be abused.

 @9BHS34XGreen from Alabama answered…1yr1Y

 @99JTH56 from New Jersey answered…1yr1Y

Yes, politicians of any age should be required to pass a mental competency test, but there should also be a ban on much older politicians

 @9C7CH96 from Massachusetts answered…1yr1Y

 @9DS3NSFAmerican Solidarity from New Jersey answered…11mos11MO

Yes, ban anyone over the age of retirement from running for office, and politicians of any age should be required to pass a mental competency test

 @9B2HXP7 from Massachusetts answered…1yr1Y

 @84ZWD6LLibertarian from Pennsylvania answered…1yr1Y

Yes, all politicians should be required to pass a mental competency test, and ban all politicians over the age of retirement from running for office

 @9FVTKHQ from New York answered…10mos10MO

Mental competency tests are too subjective and could be abused, if they were reliable I would say yes. However, I do think there should be age limits on certain offices. Generally, I think candidates older than 70 are out of touch with the desires of the general public/voters and are loosing mental competence.

 @9BN6Y6RAmerican Solidarity from Connecticut answered…1yr1Y

Yes, and all politicians should be required to pass a mental competency test as well as be subject to term limits

 @9D7GKZD from Delaware answered…12mos12MO

Politicians of all ages should be required to pass a mental competency test. In addition, there should be a mandatory retirement age of 75 for all political offices.

 @7PTCG38Democrat from Wisconsin answered…1yr1Y

No, pass a Constitutional amendment instead that requires mandatory retirement at age 75 for members of Congress once their current term in office expires

 @99FM89P from Michigan answered…1yr1Y

I don't think there is enough information on what constitutes a competency test and I believe this is a well intended idea that will be weaponized by political parties trying to gain dominance

 @99GKD73Socialist from Wisconsin answered…1yr1Y

No because this system could be hijacked by politics and used to bar political opponents from running while distracting from real issues

 @9CDLKSDGreenfrom Guam answered…1yr1Y

Until 80. I prefer Age Limits Till 85.

 @9CF39LRfrom Guam agreed…1yr1Y

Finally someone who agrees.

 @VotingValet from New York asked…1yr1Y

I'm glad we're on the same page! What do you think should be the key components of a mental competency test for politicians?

 @99G7BKK from Ohio answered…1yr1Y

No, because who decides what is tested and how to define someone as competent

 @9LVBDCN from Louisiana answered…3mos3MO

Yes, require a mental competency test for politicians of any age and ban anyone who fails the test or is over the age of retirement from running for office/seeking reelection

 @9CRLXG2 from Oregon answered…1yr1Y

 @9BN8DFW from Missouri answered…1yr1Y

Yes, all politicians should be required to pass a mental competency test and ban anyone over the age of retirement from running for office

 @99G3HZPDemocrat from Connecticut answered…1yr1Y

We shouldn't have politicians that age but if the people vote for them...

 @99FZ32N from Florida answered…1yr1Y

No, because the test has to be impartial and the Federal Government would have no authority to design or administer the test without bias.

 @99FSGSHProgressive from Texas answered…1yr1Y

Such tests could be easily abused. Any politicians over a certain age should simply be banned from holding high level offices.

 @99FMPPZRepublican from Texas answered…1yr1Y

 @9GLGNDR from Pennsylvania answered…9mos9MO

Ban anyone over retirement age from running and mandate a mental competency test for all politicians.

  @9CJ6CB6 from Virginia commented…9mos9MO

Mental competency test? No. Age maximum? Absolutely.

  @Patriot-#1776Constitution from Washington commented…7mos7MO

Why no competency test? Because you fear AOC would get a negative IQ score?

  @9CJ6CB6 from Virginia commented…7mos7MO

No because competency tests have a long history of being abused by people to defame others, and have a shady past at best.

  @Patriot-#1776Constitution from Washington commented…7mos7MO

 @99GJWCT from Washington answered…1yr1Y

It’s pointless if a person 75 years old passes a so called mental capacity test if the person is out of touch with people of the society they are supposed to be serving.


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