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 @9TTMXH7 from New Jersey answered…12mins12m

They should help pay for at least a portion of a student’s tuition, depending on their/their family’s income

 @9TTMP9B from Tennessee answered…22mins22m

No, but there should be scholarship opportunities. And student loans should have lower interest rates

 @9TTM64T from New Mexico answered…46mins46m

No, student loans should be untaxed, but limited. Colleges should have tuition reformed to lower costs.

 @9TTLNHN from Arizona answered…1hr1H

To an extent. It is something that should be addressed and discussed but it should not be the sole focus of the curriculum.

 @9TTFD6W from West Virginia answered…4hrs4H

Critical race theory is a graduate level theory that is not taught in K-12 education. This question is trigger baiting.

 @9TTF4YV from Pennsylvania answered…5hrs5H

CRT is a right wing buzzword, kids should be taught about the racist parts of American history & society, but not to hate other races

 @9TTCZFQ from Florida answered…5hrs5H

Yes, with the proper context that in order to end racism today, we must examine how it has influenced our institutions, laws, and history.

 @9TTB4JY from California answered…6hrs6H

Yes, but it shouldn't be used to blame for every problem, as some aspects may be due to self, or other reasons.

 @9TT8VCK from Georgia answered…7hrs7H

Could be up to the states, but work should be done federally to make college less expensive in general.

 @9TT8D7G from Alabama answered…7hrs7H

It’s complicated, Critical Race Theory is a complicated collegiate subject. Teenagers should have a choice to learn via AP & Honors classes

 @9TT7DSW from Colorado answered…8hrs8H

I think it should stay but I do think that arresting people for truancy is too much and needs to be thought and done differently.