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 @ISIDEWITH submitted…7hrs7H

Kamala Harris praised ‘defund the police’ movement in 2020

  1511 replies

 @ISIDEWITH submitted…2 days2D

School Board Elections Heat Up Across Florida


 @9RLVQ4M from California answered…38mins38m

No, but provide for more scholarship opportunities for low-income students for degrees that the federal government has a…

 @9RLVK3M from New York answered…44mins44m

Critical race theory should be used by educators to create curriculum that helps students understand the importance of r…

 @9RLV64S from Michigan answered…58mins58m

Stop funding colleges that have unreasonable tuitions. Give incentives to colleges for lower tuition so it is less expen…

 @9RLV4X4 from Illinois answered…59mins59m

i don't think that taxing the rich is a requirement to reduce interest rates for student loans. that's stupid.

 @9RLS6B8 from Texas answered…2hrs2H

Yes, interest rates should be lower for ALL students. However, partial tuition should be paid for by the federal governm…

 @9RLS624 from Georgia answered…2hrs2H

Yes, but through a history perspective as facts not that people are at a disadvantage due to the color of their skin

 @9RLS26W from Washington answered…2hrs2H

Race and systemic oppression should absolutely be taught in K-12, but the question of whether CRT should be taught in sc…

 @9RLQGNM from Pennsylvania answered…3hrs3H

it already is kind of. i feel that we learn about these topics and students can interpret the faults in today’s legislat…

 @9RLQ6YZ from Louisiana answered…3hrs3H

No, higher education should be paid for by taxes and we should focus on lowering the cost of education.

 @9RLPN8B from Iowa answered…4hrs4H

Students should not be punished for truancy, but parents need to be held accountable/punished when a student is frequent…

 @9RLNTPJ from Utah answered…4hrs4H

Yes, but in order to get the money you have to serve your country ie join the military for a certain amount of time

 @9RLMXNZ from Washington D.C. answered…5hrs5H

No, require college tuition to decrease and place a cap so that it is affordable and doesn’t require student loans in th…

 @9RLMV5W from Virginia answered…5hrs5H

State funded schools should have a cap on what they charge for tuitions instead of trying to be a resort

 @9RLMTR6 from Pennsylvania answered…5hrs5H

Colleges shouldn't receive money from the government, rather the government should simply regulate the tuition prices on…

 @9RLM8HD from Virginia answered…5hrs5H

Children should be taught about the ways that racism matters in our society. CRT is a law school subfield that is too ad…

 @9RLKGF7 from Florida answered…6hrs6H

We should firmly acknowledge the systemic racism in our country’s history, however dwelling on the subject prevents heal…

 @9RLKGF7 from Florida answered…6hrs6H

Depends on the course of study and the economic needs of our society to progress, firmly in all sciences except social s…

 @9RLKGF7 from Florida answered…6hrs6H

Education is a basic human right and should be subsidized according to the economic needs of our respective industries n…

 @9RLJG7L from Texas answered…7hrs7H

No, Critical Race Theory is a collegiate level analysis about how institutions and laws can have disparate outcomes for…

 @9RLJ9ML from Texas answered…7hrs7H

The interest rates are ridiculous and price of college as well. But also, why tax the rich when they worked for the mone…

 @9RLHJSB from Alaska answered…7hrs7H

Critical race theory is a high level legal concept. It is not appropriate for highschool age students, however the racia…

 @9RLGWG5 from Oregon answered…8hrs8H

No, but four year colleges and universities are too unrealistically expensive. Addressing the high cost of university en…