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 @ISIDEWITH submitted…6hrs6H

Kamala Harris praised ‘defund the police’ movement in 2020

  1511 replies

 @ISIDEWITH submitted…9hrs9H

Diverse Solutions to Homelessness Highlighted in House Candidates' Platforms


 @9RLTMLK from Ohio answered…1hr1H

No, not until reforms are made that make Medicaid a progressive social safety net that encourages people to find ways to…

 @9RLT8QL from Michigan answered…1hr1H

No, but more should be done to promote healthy eating and force companies to make healthier foods without too many addit…

 @9RLS6B8 from Texas answered…2hrs2H

I think the U.S Federal Government needs to look at the mechanics of how Australians have free general healthcare for li…

 @9RLNGZ2 from Ohio answered…4hrs4H

During an emergency yes, but when it’s not epidemic, they should not regulate a private businesses healthcare in that ma…

 @9RLMFVW from Pennsylvania answered…5hrs5H

Yes, but only for the elderly and disabled, as well as mandating lower prices on necessary medications and treatment cov…

 @9RLM5Y2 from Ohio answered…5hrs5H

They should be required to be trying to find work if reasonable based on their current health situation.

 @9RLLH8S from New Mexico answered…5hrs5H

Yes, and any medical practitioner or health science provider/specialist/professional should be placed in front of a comp…

 @9RLHWJW from New York answered…7hrs7H

Yes and no. If you are healthy and have no underlying medical conditions you should be able to prove that you are willin…

 @9RLHJSB from Alaska answered…7hrs7H

Obamacare is an abomination and a handout to the healthcare industry. So it should be repealed, a single payer option vi…

 @9RLDVPY from Pennsylvania answered…9hrs9H

Depending on the type of business, for example if the employees will ever interact with the public face to face… in this…

 @9RL8282 from Pennsylvania answered…12hrs12H

Maybe if you don’t have a Covid shot, you are required to wear a mask when with others at the office

 @9RL6VBV from Indiana answered…13hrs13H

Yes. Too many hard-working Americans can’t afford necessary medication while addicts are being given medication in metho…

 @9RL6HR2 from Pennsylvania answered…13hrs13H

Yes, focused on preventive care, so low income individuals know they can get the care they need before their health gets…

 @9RL3DYD from California answered…17hrs17H

Yes if the business deals with sending out goods or services. If you’re able to spread germs or viruses to a large numbe…

 @9RL3DYD from California answered…17hrs17H

No, but these should be handled on a case to case basis. A able bodied/healthy person who’s lower income should be requi…

 @9RL284X from Louisiana answered…18hrs18H

Not quite sure. I believe in universal healthcare but idk if Obama care is the best way to do so. Everybody deserves to…

 @9RKZDCQ from Massachusetts answered…19hrs19H

Don't ban the promotion of junk foods. But ban the promotion of any products that deliberately harm the human body such…

 @9RKYZ9C from Washington answered…20hrs20H

Only businesses that interact with the public and are closely regulated by the government. Like, airlines.

 @9RKYTK2 from Texas answered…20hrs20H

Veterans' health care should be comparable to what non-military citizens have access to. Everyone should have access to…

 @9RKYC3F from Oregon answered…20hrs20H

Vaping and junk food are totally different categories. Ban promotions for vaping, but junk food is not that big a deal.

 @9RKX826 from Texas answered…21hrs21H

Only if it has a plan to ween individuals off drugs and the individual may be removed from the program

 @9RKVRH9 from Florida answered…22hrs22H

Individuals who have pre-existing conditions that are of no fault of their own should not pay and extra burden. However…