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 @ISIDEWITHDiscuss this answer...8yrs8Y


 @9FWR7BLRepublican from Virginia disagreed…10mos10MO

The government should not regulate prices on life saving drugs because if they regulate too much, it may become too costly to create these drugs and they wouldn't be available to anyone at all.

 @9GGLMVCRepublican from Missouri agreed…9mos9MO

So many citizens can not afford life saving medications, it should not be a choice when someone's life hangs int he balance.

 @9GFN83KSocialist from California agreed…9mos9MO

Yes because then the people will see that the price is way too expensive then they will stop buying drugs and not messing up their knowledge.

 @9G4ZDG7 from Alabama disagreed…10mos10MO

Drug Prices are only kept unreasonably high due to a lack of competition created by drug monopolies. Revoke their patents, and prices will fall on their own.

 @ISIDEWITHDiscuss this answer...8yrs8Y

Yes, and we should socialize medicine and healthcare

 @8TBYD5QCommunist  from California agreed…10mos10MO

When our society is healthy and cared for, everybody wins. Even if we toss compassion out the window, even if all you care about is the money, the financial benefits are there. A healthy society is more productive and has a healthier, more robust economy.

  @VulcanMan6  from Kansas agreed…10mos10MO

The only goal of a society's healthcare system should be to provide healthcare to the public. Privatization fundamentally sabotages and destroys this goal for the sake of the personal gain of private interests, just as it does for every other industry as well. Only by eliminating the private ownership of society's necessary services and resources, in favor of a system owned and controlled by the public itself, can we ever truly have a system made to work for the people.

  @9CJ6CB6 from Virginia commented…10mos10MO

Especially considering the thousands of issues with privatized control in general, it’s a really horrible idea to let the profit motive affect healthcare, especially when it’s so necessary that people will literally die with out it.

 @ISIDEWITHDiscuss this answer...8yrs8Y

Yes, and the government should regulate the price of all prescription drugs

 @9FS5TP3Republican  from Oklahoma disagreed…10mos10MO

The market should be allowed to regulate prices. There are those that are already investing in companies that are intent on providing fair, and transparent pricing of medicines, and I believe that when it catches on, big pharma will have to get on board, or go the way of the buggy whip.

 @9FR5GCJ from Missouri disagreed…10mos10MO

The government shouldn't have anything to do with the regulation of prescribed drugs, to begin with, it's not their issue.

 @9GZDGWW from Illinois disagreed…8mos8MO

Some people need those drugs in order to live, if the government can control the price they're going to increase them making them too expensive causing the people that need them to live to not be able to afford them.

 @9GV36MH from Texas disagreed…9mos9MO

Government Regulation needs regulation. We have to find a healthy balance between grotesque oversight that hinders our research and development and cripples incentive, and Corporate greed that hurts its customers/patients to the degree of not only attacking the current healthcare system but hurts the outlook of their own product. Collateral damage must be acknowledged and addressed by both sides of the docket. Punitive measures have always stalled progress while incentives have at least proven a percentage of success for all. We should chase for a more perfect incentive system as if it were written in the preamble itself!

 @ISIDEWITHDiscuss this answer...8yrs8Y


 @9FWR7BLRepublican from Virginia agreed…10mos10MO

This is wrong because if private businesses control prescription drug prices then prices will indefinitely rise, making them less affordable to the general public and in a case where they could've saved lives, one may not have been able to afford it.

 @ISIDEWITHDiscuss this answer...8yrs8Y

No, and the government should never regulate prices of private businesses

  @VulcanMan6  from Kansas disagreed…10mos10MO

Society's healthcare should have never been privatized to begin with. Private businesses inherently do not operate for the sake of providing for the needs of the public, they operate for the sake of profit; this is a fundamentally anti-societal system that is detrimental to human civilization.

 @9FLJ2MY from Maryland disagreed…10mos10MO

Without regulated drug prices, millions of individuals will go without access to life saving medication such as insulin. Insulin costs about 2-4$ to create, and is sold at more than 200$, this is not fair to anyone who has to use such drug.

 @9FX6VDL from Virginia disagreed…10mos10MO

Life saving drugs will always be of high demand, and are essential for saving a life. This exploits supply and demand, and makes it so only the rich will be able to save their loved ones with life saving drugs

 @9GNTYQCfrom Maine disagreed…9mos9MO

Society's healthcare should have never been privatized to begin with. Private businesses inherently do not operate for the sake of providing for the needs of the public, they operate for the sake of profit; this is a fundamentally anti-societal system that is detrimental to human civilization.

 @ISIDEWITHDiscuss this answer...8yrs8Y

No, limiting drug prices would also limit the investment in research and development into new life-saving drugs

 @9FR5GCJ from Missouri agreed…10mos10MO

If we can swiftly research and develop new drugs, we can progress faster. Currently, prescribed drugs aren't limited, and in the past decade, we've achieved what would've taken 30-40 years.

 @ISIDEWITHDiscuss this answer...8yrs8Y

No, but shorten the lifespan of drug patents

 @9FL3R69 from California disagreed…10mos10MO

I believe that drug(medicine) should be cheap. Not only because a lot of people are barley able to survive in this economy but because we do not have a health care system we have an illness system. People do not pay attention to how sick you are and how much you cant afford to get the treatment you need until you are nearly dead. This shows exactly why the health care system needs an update not only in the prices of 'drugs ' but also in different types of treatments and tests and medicine that stops people from becoming sick and needing surgery.


I believe that drug(medicine) should be cheap. Not only because a lot of people are barley able to survive in this economy but because we do not have a health care system we have an illness system. People do not pay attention to how sick you are and how much you cant afford to get the treatment you need until you are nearly dead. This shows exactly why the health care system needs an update not only in the prices of 'drugs ' but also in different types of treatments and tests and medicine that stops people from becoming sick and needing surgery.

 @9G4ZDG7 from Alabama agreed…10mos10MO

Insulin only costs around $3 to make, but companies sell it for upwards of $300. If other people were allowed to make and sell insulin, many would offer more reasonable prices (say, $5) to stay competitive.

 @9GV36MH from Texas agreed…9mos9MO

Rights of the people to property and pursuit of happiness are in the bill of rights and with that lucrative compensation should be granted to the creators of necessary goods. Incentive is as paramount characteristic to a thriving society. But, Lucrative compensation should still be subject to financial responsibility. Creators should be able to cover costs, compensate and plan for the next endeavor. When those are met, patents should favor the consumer.

 @8F84X9W from Indiana answered…4yrs4Y

Yes, but only on certain drugs when private businesses are price gouging.

 @8JCJLWVUnity from Texas answered…4yrs4Y

No, because limiting drug prices would also limit the investment in research and development into new life-saving drugs. However there also must not be abuse of the patent system

 @8D7X8VBNew Liberty from Pennsylvania answered…4yrs4Y

No, but private companies should not be allowed to sell the same drug internationally for much less and put the burden on US Citizens to pay for this drug development. Government sets regulation so pharma companies must treat all users around the world fairly.

 @959K74L from North Carolina answered…2yrs2Y

 @56DRBYQIndependentfrom Virginia answered…4yrs4Y

Regardless, shorten the lifespan of drug patents and deschedulize marijuana and kratom.

 @59Q9Z8Ffrom North Carolina answered…4yrs4Y

Ban drug marketing and the billions spend per year on healthcare advertising

 @5NCS87Qfrom Michigan answered…4yrs4Y

The government would not have to regulate any drug price if the insurance industry did not exist. Drug companies would be bankrupt if anyone had to pay OOP for drugs.

 @59QG52Tfrom Oklahoma answered…4yrs4Y

Yes, they should not allow companies to buy up patents and turn around and sell the drugs at ridiculous profit margins, especially drug research funded by the government. If the research is privately funded, that should not be as tightly regulated.

 @gandolphfrom Colorado answered…4yrs4Y

The FDA is a joke and, in many ways, makes it very difficult for any competition the exist. This, and the existence of third party payments enable the sole proprietor of the pharmaceutical agent to charge essentially what he wishes.

 @59Q665Cfrom California answered…4yrs4Y

Yes, but only life-saving drugs and a fair profit margin slightly higher than typical for industry should be targeted to encourage further investment in life-saving drugs.

 @59Q5RQKfrom Colorado answered…4yrs4Y

Open up the market completely, so that other companies can create similar products and sell them cheaper, driving the prices down.

 @CharlesVentin166Write-Infrom Washington answered…4yrs4Y

Only if they also enforce that research be published according to the difference in rates of increase in pharmaceutical prices and the inflation rate nationally.

 @5NN4KJRfrom Arizona answered…4yrs4Y

i am tired of the sheeple thinking the government is the answer to anything. we need to grow up and do it ourself

 @59QRXQ4from Arizona answered…4yrs4Y

No but they should enforce antitrust laws to prevent pharmacies from hiking their prices with impunity

 @59QML7Rfrom Maryland answered…4yrs4Y

Only after financial data is given to the public that supports the set price.

 @9BYLX9N from Florida answered…1yr1Y

Yes, but Only when the prices of drugs are getting out of hand and a majority of low income people aren't able to afford these drugs.

 @8JR4HZZ from Pennsylvania answered…4yrs4Y

Drug prices are too high in general. There should be oversight to prevent price gouging as most people who need life saving medication can not live without it. Including mental health medication as it is easy to not take it because of the price and having to choose what drugs to take.

 @95ZPBSD from North Carolina answered…2yrs2Y

 @9JDPKH4Democrat from New York answered…6mos6MO

Yes, and we should socialize medicine and healthcare, shorten the lifespan of drug patents, and the government should regulate the price of all prescription drugs.


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