Try the political quiz

17 Replies

 @J0intResolEggsLibertarianfrom Maryland commented…3mos3MO

I'm sure this is the same logic China's CCP uses to justify their modern police state.

 @DeterminedStorkLibertarian from North Carolina agreed…3mos3MO

I think it actually is. Give away your freedom so you'll be safer. That's always how it goes.


Do you believe government surveillance is a necessary tool for protecting the nation, or does it infringe too much on personal freedoms?


How much freedom are you willing to give up in exchange for feeling safer from external threats?


Should the privacy of one individual be sacrificed for the greater safety of the community?


Is it acceptable for the government to monitor someone's online activities without a warrant if it could prevent a national security threat?


How would you feel if your personal messages were read by the government, if it meant stopping a potential terrorist attack?

 @9LQKRXR from Florida commented…3mos3MO

Some government surveillance does keep us safer not safe. Finding the right balance between individual privacy and protection of the common good is the challenge.

 @FluentBobcatLibertarian from Michigan commented…3mos3MO

Good Lord, this one's a whopper! Sure, living in a police state keeps us safe. Being under constant surveillance is a swell way to live! Just ask Winston Smith and Julia.

Security is always the hook. People give up privacy for perceived security.

But convenience has turned out to be a hook as well! Why go through the bother of using your TV remote, when your TV is "smart" enough to change channels via a voice command? Sure, everything you say is being monitored, but hey, speaking is so much easier than moving one's thumb, right?

Folks, privacy is its own reward! You don't have to be doing nefarious things to want to be left alone and unmonitored.

 @R3volutionRubyConstitutionfrom Maine commented…3mos3MO

The surveillance we are talking about is simply not compatible with the reading of the 4th amendment. Currently, the government is listening in on every conservation you are having on your devices. They've inserted little holes in even encrypted means of communication to listen in. That's not compatible with the 4th amendment. The government claims that it uses the information gathered for law enforcement / crime prevention instead of legal proceedings, but the 4th amendment makes no such distinction.

We got here because of terrorism. And we haven't even added facial recognition and the other surveillance that corporations are using on us and giving the information to the government.

 @ReformBearAmerican Solidarity from Virginia commented…3mos3MO

"Civil libertarians argued that the surveillance bill erodes Americans’ privacy rights and pointed to examples."

Well, no. It doesn't erode "privacy rights." That's a rhetorical trick to make these dangerous and unconstitutional laws more palatable to readers inclined to support the security state and military-industrial complex. These laws erode actual rights that Americans have and are described in the Constitution - specifically those in the fourth amendment against unwarranted search and seizure, and those in the fifth amendment against self incrimination.

 @BaboonBertPatriotfrom North Carolina commented…3mos3MO

Losing our privacy and fourth amendment protections is to keep us safe? Ya, right. Anyone feel safer? More like the powers that be want to be able to control any outbreak of actual thinking and democratic expression. There is not one instance, not one, where intrusive government surveillance saved citizens lives but there are plenty of examples of oppression.

 @LobbyistLionPatriot from California commented…3mos3MO

"Government Surveillance Keeps us Safe" is such an absurd title I thought it was a joke and it would be an opinion against the unlawful searches of Americans (as authorized by FISA -- and continues to be authorized despite "safeguards" that were added), but then I read "national security under the bush administration" and was not surprised.

 @P4rtyAndyDemocrat from Ohio commented…3mos3MO

I totally agree. Any rights we have should be subordinated for "safety". We know that law enforcement never (more like always) abuses any power they are given. The ends always justify the means. Just imagine how "safe" we could be if we just nullified the 4th Amendment in its entirety instead of gradually carving it into Swiss cheese as we've been doing!

 @PiePaisleyPeace and Freedom from California commented…3mos3MO

This is not an extraordinarily dangerous time for Americans. Physically speaking, if I had to guess, it's just about one of the safest times.

The United States is nothing like Israel. "Powerful nations..." I mean, we're comparing David and Goliath here. Israel is about as powerful as a mouse compared to the United States, and it has had hostility with its neighbors since its inception. The United States is a gigantic, continent-spanning nation with weaker allies to the north and south.

 @Ind3pend3ntCardinalWorking Family from Colorado commented…3mos3MO

Only tyranny will keep us safe. How shamelessly dystopian. (But of course we've already accepted constant surveillance by Silicon Valley, so what's a little more for the government?)

 @RightWingEllieTranshumanistfrom New Jersey commented…3mos3MO

The Government nearly ALWAYS uses safety to justify the erosion of freedom. But without freedom, what is there left to keep safe? These authors present an absolutely unacceptable position that flies in the face of the 4A. It’s even more scary that they argue for warrantless searches of Americans after admitting that it was abused by the FBI and even used for political reasons. Sorry—but forgive me for scoffing at the “trust us, we won’t do it again” argument. Truly scary.


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