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 @9RLKGR5 from Washington answered…54mins54m

Yes, but it should only apply to those over 18 yrs of age and automatically issued to every American citizen.

 @9RLV4X4 from Illinois answered…1hr1H

It depends. ideally yes we would want to go through the proper authorization channels, but also depending on the target,…

 @9RLTRHM from Missouri answered…1hr1H

If the Mexican government reaches out asking for help to eradicate the cartels then yes. If they don’t then we have no b…

 @9RLT8QL from Michigan answered…1hr1H

There are more effective security options that do not encroach on the rights to privacy and personal freedom, thus it is…

 @9RLT8QL from Michigan answered…1hr1H

Only to some degree, especially in the case of those who are from nations adversarial to the United States.

 @9RLT8QL from Michigan answered…1hr1H

AI could have uses in our military but its use should be limited to small amounts due to the ineffectiveness and recency…

 @9RLT8QL from Michigan answered…1hr1H

We should focus on our own borders and continue to use military force to control cartel violence and enforce our border…

 @9RLSD9Y from Virginia answered…2hrs2H

American citizens should be captured and given fair trial but I think that in those cases where there is undeniable evid…

 @9RLRR4C from Indiana answered…2hrs2H

I don't trust DJT to decide by himself, but generally speaking I think it does fall under presidential acts that may be…

 @9RLMFVW from Pennsylvania answered…5hrs5H

Not initially, evidence of a planned attack should be reported to the authorities of the country they're in first. If th…

 @9RLMFVW from Pennsylvania answered…5hrs5H

Yes, but only in moments where America is in imminent danger of attack. Congress moves too slow to be effective during t…

 @9RLJ3P8 from Michigan answered…7hrs7H

Yes, for operations within our country's borders and only abroad with the full cooperation of the Mexican government.

 @9RLHTZB from Pennsylvania answered…7hrs7H

The President may have to respond to a situation immediately, so Congress should not have to approve every military acti…

 @9RLG8HK from Kansas answered…8hrs8H

Yes, as long as there has been proven facts that a threat has been identified and only to the minimum extent required to…

 @9RLFYJP from New Jersey answered…8hrs8H

The government already has a national identification system, it's called an SSN. It should be something that is bolstere…

 @9RLD6D7 from California answered…9hrs9H

I think tech companies will always already have these backdoor accesses and I don't want them to be the only ones with t…

 @9RLCJBBfrom Maine  answered…10hrs10H

No, but if there is undeniable evidence that person it going to commit crime or has committed crime then government is a…

 @9RLC8PC from Illinois answered…10hrs10H

Yes, as long as they are not American Citizens, and they, only if they have undeniably committed acts of terrorism.

 @9RLBB6Y from North Carolina answered…10hrs10H

the drugs that are ran through these cartels need to be stopped but the cartels themselves protect their own hometowns d…

 @9RL8YPV from Michigan answered…11hrs11H

Situational. In dire need of last second decision then the president should make the call. Otherwise any conflict with…

 @9RKZPV9 from California answered…19hrs19H

No, legalize all drugs instead and start building safe places for people to safely do drugs at with medically trained pe…

 @9RKZPV9 from California answered…19hrs19H

Yes, if they have committed terrorism against the free world (have evidence) or are going to commit terrorism on the fre…

 @9RKZPV9 from California answered…19hrs19H

Yes but make sure to have evidence to back up military claims to congress by 72 hours after said military action is take…

 @9RKY2MD from Kansas answered…21hrs21H

yes but oly with proof that they have conducted or have advanced planning for attack against any country

 @9RKWTTT from Illinois answered…21hrs21H

Only in emergency situations/situations in which there isn't enough time to get congressional approval