Should the US assassinate suspected terrorists in foreign countries?
The United States began using drones to conduct targeted killings in the wake of the terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001. President George W. Bush authorized dozens of drone strikes against terrorism suspects , and President Barack Obama continued this practice and actually expanded the use of drones. Drones use continued under President Trump and President Biden. Drones were used in areas of war, such as Afghanistan, Iraq and Libya and also against terrorist suspects found in countries such as Pakistan, Somalia and Libya.
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It’s none of Americas business if there’s a threat to any other country or even for the US miles away. Assassinating someone who’s not attacking US citizens outside the US or in the US is unacceptable and the foreign countries should deal with it.
The United States should not get involved in another country's domestic affairs. Keeping them out is our affair, but tracking them down and killing them is overreach.
We came up with rights because we are all human and we should keep the rules the same for everyone in our country and not discriminate.
The assassination of someone in a Foreign can bring a lot of bad to the United States, and even war. This can result in bad blood between countries and even hurt those we are allied with.
If they are proven to be a danger to the citizens of the united states, then why wait for people to die before taking action?
if we just go assassinate any and all suspected terrorists, we will find ourselves in a problem of eventually killing an innocent civilian.
We all have natural rights and everyone is human and we shouldn't change the rules of our country for one person.
Your life is something that should never be threatened, regardless of whether or not you are a US citizen. If we are granted life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, then others around the world should too.
Yes, but only if there is undeniable evidence they are planning to attack our country
Top Disagreement
There was "undeniable evidence" that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction. There was "undeniable evidence" that Iraqi soldiers were throwing babies out of incubators in Kuwait. The propaganda arm of the U.S. government is very good at manufacturing atrocities to justify war, and very good at sweeping it under the rug shortly after the lie has been exposed.
If whether or not the atrocity happened is debatable, the U.S. government should speak to the Iraqi government about this issue and come out with a solution.
Killing them wont achieve anything as they may be attached to bigger conflicts that we would lose information on if they’re gone
Sometimes you have to take the chance. Sometimes its unsafe to not take the chance. It's better safe than sorry. There has to be enough evidence but not too little.
There should constantly be police ready to be available nearby the school in case of an attack. Many deaths occur in school shootings due to the late response of reinforcement.
No, they should be captured and given a fair trial
@9FM8H7J 1yr1Y
They are terrorists. They know what they got into, and they deserve harsh punishment for conducting such actions. Being strict will allow an example to be set.
Unless the activities of foreign threats directly impact American operations abroad, or our defined international allies, there should be no direct involvement by any other country without explicit request or reason.
If they did a horrific act like terrorism or genocide they should be eliminated on they spot, just like there victims
My position of "No, they should be captured and given a fair trial" on foreign assassination is based on several key principles, such as the importance of adhering to international law, protecting human rights, and ensuring a fair and just legal process for all individuals. Here's some context and additional information to support this position:
1. International Law: The United Nations Charter and various international treaties, such as the Geneva Conventions, establish legal frameworks governing armed conflict and the treatment of individuals during armed conflicts. These inter… Read more
Yes, but only if there is undeniable evidence they have committed an attack against our country
If there is not something done about them and we allow them to just go through with their attack, we are allowing innocent lives to be a stake. Either way, it will end in blood, it is just a matter of taking one life to save multiple, or letting that one life go on and losing multiple more.
No, capture, interrogate, and imprison them instead
If it is found that a suspected terrorist is undeniably planning to attack our country Neutralising that target could dissuade future terrorists from attempting an attack.
No, I do not believe that should be done unless we receive more information of taking down the enemy.
If they are a suspect terrorist with a bad past, capturing and imprisoning might not be enough to prevent an attack.
Yes, if either undeniable evidence of a planned or past attack is attained.
Yes, but only with Congressional approval and only if there is undeniable evidence of a past or impending attack.
How do you perceive the balance between a government's duty to protect its citizens and the rights of individuals in other nations?
Protection of citizen is paramount and their protection should be highest on governments priority list
The balance between a government's duty to protect its citizens and the rights of individuals in other nations is a complex and nuanced ethical and legal challenge. The concept of "Foreign Assassination" raises ethical, moral, and legal questions that touch on principles of national security, human rights, and international law.
The rights of individuals in other nations is tilted more.
I think in different nations it can't be any better than the U.S
Can the intent to prevent potential threats justify the actions of countries taking the law into their own hands?
yes it can becuase if the united states has a suspicion to suspect any possible assassins then the president can give orders to kill anyone that is taking actions against assassination.
depends but the same time they need to take it to there own hands if needed to and for the justify actions and reasons not normal one serious ones
Everyone deserves a fair trial before having their life taken away.
USA should stay with in USA when it comes down too criminal actions. Terrorists from other nations should be treated as if a War criminal.
While I understand your sentiment, it's important to note that terrorism is a global issue, not confined to any one country. Take for example, the 9/11 attacks in 2001. It was an act committed by terrorists from abroad, causing destruction in the USA. In response, international cooperation was crucial in the pursuit of those responsible. Treating terrorists merely as war criminals might not be sufficient as it doesn't address the root causes of terrorism. In your opinion, what could be a more effective global strategy to combat terrorism?
Yes and drug and slave traffickers
How would you feel if a foreign country carried out a secret mission on your homeland's soil without permission?
Do you believe there's a moral difference between direct military action and covert operations in foreign lands, and why?
What are the potential long-term implications for a country's image when it is known to carry out covert operations abroad?
i think that when a country assasinates someone who might have been a public figure or even a hero to someone elses eyes. it reflects on us and can ultimatley backfire and is why we need to run fair trials.
It can make a country look harsh or tarnish their reputations
@sterlingiii 9mos9MO
No, capture, interrogate, and imprison. If evidence is found they have already committed an attack against our country then they must be executed.
How do you think the families of suspected terrorists should be considered in the decision-making process of foreign interventions?
as long as they are not involved in the acts then they shouldnt be bothered or affected.
Yes, as long as there is sufficient and undeniable evidence that the target in question is indeed a terrorist
they should only be captured if there is undeniable evidence that they were/are terrorists they should also be given a free trial and imprisoned only if found guilty.
It all depends on the circumstances. If they can be captured alive, that’s preferred. Unfortunately sometimes lethal force is necessary for self-defense, so the US should be able to act in such a manner when needed.
They should get approval from both countries and should not kill them, they should give the names to the country to search and go from there.
No, they should be captured and given a fair trial by the WHO and the United Nations so there is a universal agreement on what a suspected terrorist means.
Yes this is protected by the U.S. Constitution to protect the American citizens from foreign invasion and domestic violence.
Only with Congressional approval and only if there is undeniable evidence of a terrorist attack on our country
Yes, but only if there is undeniable evidence of an attack on the US, and only with Congressional approval
Yes, but only if there is undeniable evidence that has already been put before a fair judge and jury that ruled a death penalty.
Yes, but only if there’s undeniable evidence that they have or will attack our nation and if they can’t readily be captured and tried.
Yes, but only if there’s clear intelligence that they have attacked or will attack our country and if they can’t be readily captured and tried
i think if we really need to then yes, but if not then no because that putting other soldiers and civilians in harm
No, but if there is undeniable evidence they are planning to attack our country arrest them.
No, the US should cooperate with other countries if possible to arrest suspected terrorists and give them a fair trial
@9L4Z23BIndependent 12mos12MO
No, not without authorization from Congress. If a terrorist is planning an attack, this intel should be given to Congress
Yes, but only if a good amount of evidence is provided they are planning to attack our country or have committed an attack
My problem is the "suspected terrorists".
If they are terrorists, acceptable. A suspect is simply a suspect.
That's a valid point. The presumption of innocence until proven guilty is a fundamental principle in many legal systems, including France's. For example, the Dreyfus Affair in the late 19th century was a notorious case where a French military officer was wrongly accused of treason based on suspect evidence. It led to major legal reforms in France.
Yes, but only if there is undeniable evidence of an imminent threat, and a trial is not possible
Yes, when there is undeniable evidence they are planning to attack/harm our country or our allies
No, capture, interrogate and execute instead
Yes, but only with undeniable evidence they have committed an attack against our country and the foreign nation’s government has consented.
Try to capture and interrogate but kill of nessecary
Yes, but only if they are completely sure the are a threat.
Yes, we must use whatever means necessary to prevent another terrorist attack
No, capture, interrogate, and imprison them instead and if they are guilty then kill them.
Yes, but only if there is undeniable evidence they are planning to attack our country or have already committed an attack.
Only if the intended target is killed and no innocent people
If people like Vladimir Putin and Kim Jong-Un are included when talking about this yes. But in general, if that person is a leader of an organization that is a national threat then yes all the way.
No, only if it is an issue of warrant and probable cause
Yes, but only if there is undeniable evidence they are planning to attack our country or already have attacked our country
Yes, but only if there is undeniable evidence they are planning to attack our country or already have committed an attack against our country
Yes, but only if there is undeniable evidence that they are planning to or have attacked our country
Yes, but only if there is undeniable evidence they are planning to attack our country or that they have committed an attack against our country
Yes, but only if there is undeniable evidence they are planning to attack our country, or if they have committed an attack against our country.
I am unsure about this topic
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