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 @9RM3YM8 from Pennsylvania answered…2hrs2H

Depending on the situation . If there’s proof they blew up a school with children in it, automatic no. But if there’s no…

 @9RLWFRX from South Carolina answered…5hrs5H

With proof they should not be given rights. Rights given unless proven to have committed acts of terrorism.

 @9RLN7B9 from Alabama answered…9hrs9H

Terrorist are bad, however, I don’t trust the government to be honest about their status as a terrorist.

 @9RLG8HK from Kansas answered…13hrs13H

Yes, to the extent of treating them humanly and with dignity and if being tried in the US then all our laws should be fo…

 @9RLDTFC from Colorado answered…13hrs13H

This is a poorly written question. Enemy combatants should have human rights, not constitutional rights