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Other Popular Answers

Unique answers from America users whose views extended beyond the provided choices.

 @9NM3T45 from Missouri answered…2mos2MO

No, the government should not ban the promotion of unhealthy lifestyle products aimed towards young people. They should instead invest time and money in promoting the dangers of all these products to a person's health.

 @9MVTXKG from California answered…2mos2MO

The government should ban the promotion of products such as vapes, but not junk food.

 @9PT6LY3 from North Carolina answered…1mo1MO

Yes, but accompany the ban with an educational campaign and requirements for parents to play a stronger role in guiding the youth towards embracing healthier habits

 @9L4Z23B  from Pennsylvania answered…2mos2MO

 @9RDP2VS from Illinois answered…4 days4D

No, but provide incentives against unhealthy things (taxes on junk food/tobacco) and incentives for healthy things (gyms, affordable healthy food, more free green spaces such as parks, pedestrian friendly infrastructure)

 @78MJYZM  from Indiana answered…4 days4D

Yes, but only for products that are addictive or will lead to long-term negative effects such as vaping/nicotine