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Other Popular Answers

Unique answers from America users whose views extended beyond the provided choices.

  @ChaseOliverLibertarian  from South Carolina answered…2mos2MO

No, because when shelters are funded by government, however well-meaning, the incentives of shelter administrators shift from providing better services that aid the long-term outlook of the homeless, to filling beds to receive more funding.

 @9NQL5VP from Pennsylvania answered…2mos2MO

No, but it should be regulated to where specific steps must be required to send money to sanctioned countries.

 @9RDCN23  from Virginia answered…4 days4D

No, but it should be regulated to the point where specific steps must be required to send money to sanctioned countries.

 @9RD5T95 from New York answered…4 days4D

It should be regulated with proof of use. Recipient families should be identified and funds should be restricted for their use only. There should also be permission for proof of use when larger sums are being transferred (i.e. family purchases a home and provided receipt within 30 days of purchase)

 @9RBN2M3 from Florida answered…5 days5D

The government should have zero involvement in personal transactions.

Most people are sending small amounts of money to help their relatives who live in other parts of the world where economies are in shambles.

Every American citizen has a right to financial privacy and self-custody. Crypto is here to stay, and banks should be planning on their eventual extinction a few decades from now, instead of trying to keep people locked into a corrupt system that's no longer sustainable, and will be replaced in time by a more efficient and beneficial financial system.

 @9R348MG from Washington answered…1wk1W

No, but such transactions should be monitored to ensure that American citizens are not contributing to terrorist movements around the world.