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Other Popular Answers

Unique answers from America users whose views extended beyond the provided choices.

 @9MRFP83 from Utah answered…2mos2MO

Yes, but when the meat is sold it should be required to disclose that it is lab grown as well as undergo several chemical tests.

 @9MQ8Z96 from Oklahoma answered…2mos2MO

Yes, but only after extensive testing has been performed and verified in a triple blind study performed by an independent org that is verifiably not bought out by a party of interest.

 @9PBPTYK from Pennsylvania answered…1mo1MO

I hate the idea of actually keeping animals locked in a lab solely for meat, but if it's just bioengineering in a lab I could see this as a good alternative to keeping animals locked up or butchered.

 @9QSCDPJ from Washington answered…3wks3W

It doesn't explain how it cultivates or what animal the lab grown meat comes from or if it will even look like an animal before enough meat is able to be taken fat full capacity from a cell. Not enough info

 @9Q5CYST from Arkansas answered…4wks4W

If you want to buy it at a supermarket knowing it is lab grown that is fine, but putting it into restaurants will people not knowing is not ok.

 @9PZ9FLSfrom Vermont answered…4wks4W

Yes, as long as it is specified by the manufacturer on the package at the store that the meat is lab-grown