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 @9RLT8QL from Michigan answered…1hr1H

We must focus on other issues before we may focus on space travel, many of which include domestic and foreign policy iss…

 @9RLT8QL from Michigan answered…1hr1H

Consumers have a right to know what's in their food, and GMOs should be labeled so that consumers may choose healthier a…

 @9RLT8QL from Michigan answered…1hr1H

Yes. Nuclear energy is a clean and efficient method that has been given a bad reputation over the years due to accidents…

 @9RLSK3R from Georgia answered…2hrs2H

Consider allowing this when more long term testing has proven the lab grown meat to have little to no malignant side eff…

 @9RLR7LV from Texas answered…3hrs3H

It should be worked with further and met with an ethics committee and asking the public before a decision is made.

 @9RLN7FN from Indiana answered…5hrs5H

It should be informed to the public whether or not it is lab-grown. People should get to choose what they want.

 @9RLMFVW from Pennsylvania answered…5hrs5H

Yes, it is the safest and most efficient means of energy production, despite the Chernobyl, Fukushima and TMI accidents.…

 @9RLLH8S from New Mexico answered…6hrs6H

Exclusively for preventing current diseases using CRISPR on the actual pathogens. This excludes any predisposition a hum…

  @clbcarman answered…7hrs7H

Yes, but only to treat agreed-upon classified diseases, as going beyond this is a slippery slope to eugenics.

 @9RLHV84 from Texas answered…7hrs7H

No, not until enough time has passed to determine the long-term health effects of consuming lab-grown meat

 @9RLF87Q from California answered…9hrs9H

No, Lab Grown meat becomes a means for wide spread dissemination of specific chemicals for malice intent

 @7H4WGJP from Missouri answered…10hrs10H

Yes, but only after sufficient years of testing to make sure there are no unintentional side effects.

 @9KMN7ZG from Indiana answered…19hrs19H

Yes; however, it needs to be highly regulated, and should only be used to fix any health issues that would hinder qualit…

 @9RKWTTT from Illinois answered…19hrs19H

Yes. The national budget for space travel should be increased, but contracts should also be awarded to private companies…

 @9RKZ3GW from Minnesota answered…20hrs20H

Yes, but as long as there are safety standards and consequences for mismanagement in the event of a nuclear disaster.

 @9RKSKNP from Arkansas answered…23hrs23H

I should pick option three (Yes, but only for deadly contagious diseases) but if the disease is very deadly and can kill…