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Other Popular Answers

Unique answers from America users whose views extended beyond the provided choices.

 @9PZ2HB5 from New Jersey answered…4wks4W

No, the government should have their own tech to do so or give tech companies the option and negotiate a deal with tech companies so that they are fairly compensated.

 @9RBBBSQ  from Alabama answered…5 days5D

Yes, but access should only be granted in the case of emergencies (it should not be always accessible)

 @9R5K36H from Florida answered…6 days6D

No. If politicians were intelligent enough to understand cybersecurity risks, they would work in cybersecurity, and not in politics.

 @9K7YGH7  from Florida answered…1wk1W

No, I think a warrant should be provided to access encrypted communications if there is proven evidence of malicious intent.

 @9R3DSN3 from Virginia answered…1wk1W

With technology and privacy evolving faster, the govt should be able to see chats that are first combeb through by thr company before handing over information

 @9R2LZFH from Florida answered…1wk1W

I don’t think anyone should invade our privacy we have the right to our private lives but I’d. Foreign country is involved he’s by all means