
Historical Results

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Historical Importance

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Other Popular Answers

Unique answers from America users whose views extended beyond the provided choices.

 @clubled  from Arizona answered…1mo1MO

No, it should not be required but the developers should be given some sort of compensation in the form of money or tax breaks from the city to include green spaces and parks

 @9QXJGMZ from Tennessee answered…2wks2W

YES. There is too much concrete and pavement. The country is growing hotter due to this and the country is also becoming very grey.

 @9QPSXP7 from Indiana answered…3wks3W

Should they have these things? Yes but should they be required? No. They can build however they like

 @9MSGYVD from Illinois answered…2mos2MO

No, deregulate property development and reduce the scope of zoning laws so that developers and local governments can provide these amenities as they are demanded by the consumer.

 @9RD959Y from Tennessee answered…4 days4D

We should protect green spaces and parks but housing developments should not be forced to pay to maintain them.

 @9RD6W98 from Kansas answered…4 days4D

Green space and or some kind or recreational area. Suck as a pool, tennis court or other activity space.