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 @9RLW7NK from Washington answered…59mins59m

As long as there are people who will use these services, AND there is education/training or assistance in transitioning…

 @9RLVFS5 from Michigan answered…1hr1H

The government should incentivize the construction of more housing and discourage corporations from buying massive amoun…

 @9RLTZYN from Minnesota answered…2hrs2H

Housing should be affordable for everyone; however it depends on what is allowing for the construction of affordable hou…

 @9RLT5P5 from Florida answered…2hrs2H

Due to rising costs of insurance and property taxes, I believe it is appropriate to increase as needed. But insurance an…

 @9RLQR3Y from Georgia answered…4hrs4H

No. This should not be a requirement, but tax incentives should be made available for those who do include green spaces…

 @9RLP5BH from Illinois answered…5hrs5H

I think it should set a cap. A certain percentage above the median rent for an area & base that cap on square footage.

 @9RLN7B9 from Alabama answered…5hrs5H

I think this depends on density needs and affordability. If required, the local government should give tax rebates to de…

 @9RLL426 from Florida answered…6hrs6H

Most homeless people are not offered public housing so why did you frame the question as if they did?

 @9RLGG2G from Iowa answered…9hrs9H

No, unless the encampments are developing and adding value to the property, in which case it should be considered homest…

 @9RLGG2G from Iowa answered…9hrs9H

Renting as part of a business should be outlawed, but private individuals should be able to rent out individual properti…

 @9RLG8HK from Kansas answered…9hrs9H

Yes, what is the alternative? Putting them in jail or prison takes up space to be used for worse criminal offenses, and…

 @9RLFYJP from New Jersey answered…9hrs9H

The government should legislate and increase funding towards programs that address the causes of homelessness

 @9RLFYJP from New Jersey answered…9hrs9H

We need to ensure that we're addressing the reasons why homeless individuals are refusing available shelter and housing.

 @9RLF87Q from California answered…9hrs9H

Yes, but cap should be based on appraised price and theoretical payment tenants would pay on a conventional loan at curr…

 @9RLCL7Y from South Carolina answered…10hrs10H

Only if it isn’t obstructing the life of the community members. And possibly have some kind of system NOT a criminal of…

 @9RLC734 from Indiana answered…10hrs10H

No, and institutions with mental health experts should be created to help rehabilitate homeless individuals.

 @9RLBFVF from Pennsylvania answered…11hrs11H

Each case should be looked at individually. From each according to ability to each according to needs

 @9RL8NV7 from Colorado answered…12hrs12H

I think there should be specific places and zones. Obviously a red zone is around schools and such. A blue zone would be…

 @9RL84WX from Maryland answered…12hrs12H

Should implement policies on companies that control rent, not individual property owners that rent their personal proper…

 @9RL6SZ7 from California answered…14hrs14H

yes but only in certain areas were it can be cleaned regularly and so we can provide more food clothing etc so the homel…

 @9RL6DGM from New York answered…14hrs14H

Yes but local taxes and mortgage rates for homeowners must be taken into account for small occupancy dwellings (eg 2 fam…

 @9RL4CDDfrom Northern Mariana Islands  answered…16hrs16H

No, but provide more transitionary programs aimed at low income based free trade-learning and job opportunities

 @9RL44BM from California answered…17hrs17H

Only if over a certain size, and dependant on existing green space and parks. But not if it contributes to housing short…

 @9RL44BM from California answered…17hrs17H

Yes, but the limits should be fair. Government should also reduce spending and borrowing to lower inflation before plac…