Yes, until the frequency of terrorist attacks by Muslim extremists decrease
No, this decision should be based on crime rates instead of race or religion
Yes, and increase surveillance on all new immigrants
No, targeting Muslims is unconstitutional, racist, and incendiary
No, but police should increase surveillance and patrol of all high crime neighborhoods

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Other Popular Answers

Unique answers from America users whose views extended beyond the provided choices.

 @8Y6KCD4 from Kentucky answered…3yrs3Y

Yes, and local police should increase surveillance and patrol of all neighborhoods with high crime rates regardless of race or religion.

 @4PWL4TSfrom Maine answered…4yrs4Y

Their should be no Muslim neighbourhoods as they breed terrorism and intolerance as we have seen in Europe. Immigrants should be evenly distributed throughout the country and forced to integrate with the current population.

 @4PRG5DSfrom Iowa answered…4yrs4Y

 @4PP4LXSfrom Pennsylvania answered…4yrs4Y

No, just an illusion to create fear among the people and to bring about their new world order by bringing in martial law as a facade to protect the people when they are actually stripping us of our rights...they are just using a twisted cult of a religion such as Islam to do it..

 @d3batesfrom Massachusetts answered…4yrs4Y

No, targeting Muslims is unconstitutional, Islamophobic, and incendiary and would provide ISIS with ammunition to accuse the U.S. of a conspiracy against Islam

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