Yes, any business should be held liable if the primary use of its product is for illegal activity
No, manufacturers and dealers should only be held liable for negligence
Yes, as long as the losing party pays all legal fees, it’s our constitutional right to sue anyone for any reason
Yes, but only dealers

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Other Popular Answers

Unique answers from America users whose views extended beyond the provided choices.

 @8MQHHXY from Louisiana answered…4yrs4Y

I think that the people who make the guns should not be responsible unless if their products cause a huge number of problems worldwide.

 @8LYHYV4 from Maine answered…4yrs4Y

Depending on if the firearm user is the one being injured, say you purchased a faulty firearm and attempted to fire it and it backfires on you, hurting your arm, then you should be able to fault the manufacturer or dealer, but only in that scenario.

 @3WZMZGCfrom Washington answered…4yrs4Y

Absolutely not. This is asinine and comparable to suing a hammer maker because you smashed your thumb. Even if someone smashed someone elses thumb, on purpose. It is not the fault of the tool maker. It is the responsibility of each person to handle those tools appropriately. Decisions come with consequences. Use a tool for harm, and that person should deal with those consequences, not a company who made it.

Firearms dealers should only be dealt with legally if they sold someone a gun without going through the proper process.

 @8MN8DQ9 from Louisiana answered…4yrs4Y

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