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 @ISIDEWITH submitted…10hrs10H

North Korea Vows to Enhance Nuclear Deterrence in Response to US Subcritical Test


 @ISIDEWITH submitted…2hrs2H

Nevada Set to Vote on Historic Abortion Rights Amendment


 @InaugurationLillian from California commented…7hrs7H

Lindsey Graham recently met with Khan.


 @WornoutBallotBox from Florida commented…8hrs8H

I'd say it's the duty of the FBI to investigate a movement that regurgitates anti-Israel jihadist slogans and has been c…


 @KnowledgeablePartis4nfrom Minnesota  commented…8hrs8H

So what if they are? It's not impossible that a terrorist movement could erupt out of this or some violent action.


 @RightistGarlicfrom Alabama  commented…6hrs6H

When are they going to shed informants linked to the Times’ false “Russian conspiracy” investigation of Trump? A disinfo…


 @ISIDEWITH submitted…6hrs6H

UK says it doesn’t want ‘direct conflict with Russia’


 @ISIDEWITH submitted…2hrs2H

UN Security Council Divided Over Russian Proposal to Ban Space Weapons


 @ISIDEWITH submitted…28mins28m

Philadelphia Ends Work From Home Era for City Employees


 @ISIDEWITH submitted…8hrs8H

Biden's April Fundraising Falls Short Against Trump's Campaign Haul


 @FerretNora from Washington commented…7hrs7H

Massive respect for the court and this gentleman. Either we are all equal under law or there is no law but the law of th…


 @PollingPlaceGregfrom Maine  commented…7hrs7H

Wouldn’t be surprised if it was this kind of demeaning language directed at his office that finally convinced Khan to sa…


 @QuailNora from California disagreed…8hrs8H

Regurgitating slogans, huh? Lmfao such amazing projection going on here… You mindlessly regurgitate whatever the state d…


 @GrumpyLeftist from Missouri disagreed…8hrs8H

You know that some of the students are Jews. Nationwide Jews have been protesting for a cease fire.


 @9MMCFYH from North Carolina answered…12hrs12H

I don't have enough knowledge to establish an opinion.


 @AgileD1rectfrom Vermont  commented…6hrs6H

Putin spent decades influencing the GOP with propaganda and disinformation and where were our security services when thi…


 @ChicD1rect from Illinois commented…6hrs6H

This is why Donald Trump never bothered to read most of his classified briefings or take their advice. Everyone knows t…


 @L1b3rtyCaviar from Ohio commented…6hrs6H

This is why Donald Trump never bothered to read most of his classified briefings or take their advice. Everyone knows t…


 @GallantS0v3reignfrom Texas  commented…6hrs6H

My guess would be the FBI thought they could use these Russian informants to damage President Trump. After Biden got in…


 @P4ndaBrett from Washington commented…6hrs6H

Ok, do not disclose the names, but can you at least hint if they cut off the guy who kept telling us that Putin was term…
