If the Father of the unborn child is willing and capable of caring for the child and wants to assume legal custody of child and is a fit parent, I feel he should have an equal say in the decision. There should be rights for Fathers who are able and willing.
I think this may encourage people to be more thoughtful about intimacy. I believe Men should have a say in the decision of the termination of their unborn child.
I also believe in required counseling before and after abortion as it often leads to eventual traumatic disorders and depression.
Narrow down the conversation to these participants:
@8NNWMBV 4yrs4Y
“I feel he should have an equal say in the decision”
The man in the relationship can something but the woman doesn't have to listen. The embryo is growing in her not him. The man has no say so in what the woman does with her body. If she decides she doesn't want to carry the embryo that is her personal choice. You cannot tell a woman what to do with her body, you can suggest something, but don't tell her she needs to do this and that.
It's not the woman's body, it's the babies. No matter how you feel about something or what you tell yourself, you can't change the fact that you are murdering an innocent life with Constitutional Rights. Liberty isn't doing whatever you want -- as Thomas Jefferson said, there are limits drawn around us by the equal liberties of others. This means that you are free but you most also respect the freedom of others, including that "fetus." People keep gushing about women's rights, but what about the baby's rights? It's got a heartbeat for crying out loud. How is it right to kill that child?
@3XHTYDXRepublican 2yrs2Y
This comment is exactly why there will never be agreement. You call it an embryo. Then because of this you say it’s the woman’s choice as it’s the woman’s body. That logic is clear if you believe it’s an embryo. I can. It a baby. I think life begins at conception. Therefore not an embryo but a baby. With this logic, termination is ending a life. And it is not the mothers body, it is a new human being.
I can understand why people who believe the former think they’re being oppressed. It just boggles my mind people on the other side can’t understand my… Read more
It takes two people to have a baby, so I personally believe that the parents should agree on the decision to abort the baby or not. Both opinions should be taken into consideration and talked about between the parents on what is best to do for them personally.
Why are people discussing if men should have a say in abortion instead of discussing how evil it is? With all you libs whining about racism, im shocked you can't see that we're heading down towards another civil war -- one over slavery. Just like the abolitionists had the moral high ground then, we have the moral high ground now.
Glad to see there's at least ONE patriot talking about this.
@9CFSCL7 2yrs2Y
The woman cannot tell her baby that it doesn't have a right to live. Shouldn't have had sex irresponsibly if she wasn't prepared for the possibility of carrying a child to term. The only permissible abortion is if it would save the mother's life or in the case that she was raped, and that's only if there isn't brain activity yet.
Top Disagreement
There is no evidence showing that the woman has her mental wellness affected from an abortion. Who is going to pay for all of that? The main reason why a woman gets an abortion is because she is financially unstable and cannot afford to care for a child. Sure, it would be nice for a man to have the chance, but the amount of stigma around pregnancy. A abortion is for a woman not a man. A woman's body is more affected by the outcome, and if the man wanted the child then most likely she would not be having an abortion. Plus, how are you suppose to enforce that? Is the clinic suppose to do… Read more
“The main reason why a woman gets an abortion is because she is financially unstable and cannot afford to care for a child.”
I disagree with this, because why would a woman get pregnant, but be financially unstable. If this is the case, then why did she even decide to get pregnant if she could not afford to care for the child. Remember this was her choice to get pregnant.
Not always the choice to get pregnant
The idea that its okay to be having unprotected sex when you cannot financially afford a child is so irresponsible and so ignorant that the only answer is DONT HAVE SEX until you are mature enough to do it responsibly. Sex for young girls at ages under 18 shouldnt be considered a right. If a girl has not even finished high school when shes having sex then she needs to understand that she either is going to have a difficult time financially caring for a baby, or that shes going to have to put it up for adoption. She is ill prepared to make those chouces herself. Again...thats not a good enough reason to have an abortion.
What about in the cases of rape or incest? What if the mother DID plan for a baby, but in early pregnancy is having complications? Your argument is just shaming women for having sex, nothing pro life about that.
@98C8N6P 2yrs2Y
What about in the cases of rape or incest? What if the mother DID plan for a baby, but in early pregnancy is having complications? Your argument is just shaming women for having sex, nothing pro life about that.
The choice was in the action of having intercourse, the risk is pregnancy. When you decide to get intimate, and I actually mean in the case where both parties consent, you consent to the risk. If not, its like consenting to jump off a bridge without a bungee chord but not consenting to severe injury or death.
While it usually would be the mother's choice, I do understand that there are cases where the mother didn't have a say in this or was misinformed. I disagree with abortions because I believe mothers should be held accountable for their choices and that abortions got in the way of that, but in cases where there is no accountability and the mother did this against her will, I do want to keep abortion as a thing because I believe that a woman should have a say in stuff like this, but to ensure she will commit to these responsibilities before doing the act. To infringe on that freedom is unacceptable and will be corrected.
Bold of you to assume they weren't on birth control. 85% are btw.
What's bolder is the devilish crime of murdering the unborn!
Of course the assumption here is that they aren’t on birth control as we are discussing pregnancy. Can you get pregnant with birth control? Yes of course. But can we assume broadly that most people who get pregnant are not using birth control? Yes we can.
It's not always a womans choice to get pregnant. And also, why do people buy drugs, electronics, and other things when they are financially unstable? Abortions should be normal healthcare, financially unstable or not.
This is something no one seems to get. No matter where the baby comes from, even if you wanted it, it's still as much a baby as it would be if you wanted it! Merciful heavens! Don't murder to make you feel better about something someone else did to you! You have no right!
@8ZF6XM4Women’s Equality3yrs3Y
Then it's also her choice to get an abortion. Plus sometimes she never asked for one so why get one.
There's actually tons of evidence right under your nose if you'd bother to look it up. More than half regret their decision.
“There is no evidence showing that the woman has her mental wellness affected from an abortion.”
Counseling is not just to guide someone whose mental wellness. There are Counselors trained for all kinds of things. A counselor dealing with abortion will probably ask the client why they want the abortion and will work with them to see if either getting an abortion is justified, or if there are programs that can suit the mother's needs.
They should have a say, but not the final say, they aren't the one giving birth, or being pregnant.
Why do you call it a fetus? Is it not a human being?
Engaged Social Issues Engaged Abortion
So that the baby murderers don't feel bad about doing it. Fetus is dehumanizing.
The term "fetus" is used to describe the stage of development in the womb, specifically from the end of the eighth week of pregnancy until birth. It is indeed a potential human being, and many people believe that life begins at conception. For those who hold this belief, the fetus is considered a human being with the right to life. One example of this perspective is the belief that even at the earliest stages of development, a fetus has a unique genetic makeup that distinguishes it from any other living organism. What are your thoughts on when life begins, and how do you think society could address the concerns of both pro-life and pro-choice individuals?
A potential human being? I believe that it is a human being, from conception.
but the man isn't having the baby. maybe the woman is having the abortion because she doesn't want to give birth or deal with the pregnancy. if a man really wants a baby he can adopt or have a woman be a vessel for a baby (there is a job title for this but I forgot what its called, sorry ) overall its the WOMAN´S choice alone what she wants to do with HER body.
96% of biologists and Princeton disagree.
96% of biologists disagree along with Princeton**
are you really suggesting that a consolation to someone killing your child is to adopt another?
As you do have your ideals and opinions, I believe that the father should have some say with the baby with it also being his.
@BlueOrbeeSkyrim 2yrs2Y
I am appalled by this sentiment. Abortion is not somethi8ng taken lightly. Do you think people go willy-nilly and don't feel sad no its a major decision. But it's not one another person can make only the women can make that choice it is her body after all. I may not agree with abortion for moral reasons but it's still not the governments job to get involved in it
Abortion is pure, hateful wickedness and an abomination far worse than slavery. It is the blatant hitleresque butchery of human life. And don’t you tell me it’s a compromisable issue, that it should be left to the states. The prupose of government is to protect the life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness of its citizens, and is this is a blatant disregard of the baby’s rights to life, it is the government’s constituional responsibilty to cure our nation of this filth. Come, Civil War II, if that’s what it takes! Give me Liberty or give me Death!
Our nation needs more people like you.
Abortion should be banned outright, but yes fathers need more rights and respect.
The father of the baby should have the right to see his child no matter the circumstances of the situation.
i think that all medical reasons should be allowed.
There should be determining factors for abortions, limits on when an abortion can be performed, including age health of the mother. Both biological parents must be equally informed and agreeing and must be a very early abortion like within 8 weeks of conception.
In cases of rape it must be reported first of a rape to the authorities or cannot be considered rape if no rape was reported and a rape kit performed by a hospital. in cases of incest there should be charges following against the perp.
no mid term or late term abortions permitted unless serious medical complications for the child or mother. Read more
1) Bodily autonomy should be a fundamental right for all human beings. No one should have power over another’s body.
2) How do you plan to enforce this? The male has the option to decide against assuming legal and physical custody of the child at any time. A pregnant woman does not have the same freedom.
3) Men have options if they wish to be a single parent that do not require forcing a woman to have a child. They can adopt, find a woman who wants a child, or be a foster parent.
4) Most concerning is the fact you completely disregard the effect on the child - you are focused only on… Read more
Abortion should be illegal. You are killing a baby that would grow to be an adult. Both people who created the baby should have a say in what happens to the baby because they were both part of creating it so why should only one person be able to kill it. You are also essentially just murdering someone which is not legal so why should abortion be legal
@8ZF6XM4Women’s Equality3yrs3Y
All of this was about the man but how about the woman in this? The woman is the one birthing the child and as you know having a child is hard, having to birth it and rise it. He might be willing to and be able to but what if it's in an abuse situation? or Rape? Incest? etc. Not to mention what if she doesn't want to and is not ready, or culture might come along too. There are so many different aspects in things being that the woman should be the one making the decision not the man because he isn't the one birthing the child.
Well, is his body going throw the hellish experience of having and carrying a child? I don't think so. I understand the man should have some say but overall women should make the overall decision.
Abortion is evil. Pure evil. Just ban it. NOW
A man has no right to tell a woman what she has to do with her body and to say that she should carry a debilitating life-threatening situation because his sperm was involved. Not only that but he could say that he's interested and then just completely deadbeat. No one should be able to force someone else to go through something potentially life-threatening or that they don't want to do with their body
It is the kind of lack of compassion and reason that would force someone else to go through this and to be okay with having their personal and civil rights taken away that is exactly the kind of person I don't want raising children. Arguably it's what our society doesn't want raising children. With no respect for other people's feelings and body autonomy I imagine the chances of that child being abused are very high.
“I believe Men should have a say in the decision of the termination of their unborn child”
The mother still has to carry it to term, and the mother still has to deal with the physical and mental burdens of delivering a child. The father by all means has a say when it comes to the conversation about having an abortion, but he has no right to tell the woman what to do with her body. No matter how willing he is, your health decisions should be up to you and solely you.
@Dry550Independent 10mos10MO
I would want to know that the baby is mine and what the girl was wanting to do and I would support her on whatever decision she would make, it’s a woman’s choice to choose to accept a healthcare procedure, regardless of the reasoning behind getting one, I personally don’t wanna have kids so I use protection, but if it happened, great and if the girl wanted to get an abortion, I would accept that..because there’s no way in Hell I’m bringing a child into this world the way it is now.
Men aren't the ones that have to carry the child, if a woman says she doesn't ant to have the kid she should have every right to say no. Our bodies our choice!
The father should have some say if its not a case of rape or incest but you have to remember the mother has to carry the child for 9 months and go through child birth which can injure the mother.
“If the Father of the unborn child is willing and capable of caring for the child and wants to assume legal custody of child and is a fit parent, I feel he should have an equal say in the decision. There should be rights for Fathers who are able and willing.”
This is one of the problems I have with abortion. The men do not get a say. Yes, the women carry the baby. But more than likely I guarantee that if there was a way that man could carry that baby that a mother may want to abort, he would, 100%. But it just can't happen. In addition, men are legally bound to a child for the rest of their life but they cannot legally remove themselves fully from the situation immediately if a child is being born, so it's a double standard. Because signing away your parental rights does not always automatically mean you terminate financial support. This is kind of part of the issue I see. If universally in the nation, men could legally terminate financial support and legal support to an unborn child, would more people think twice about intimacy with other people?
The man does not carry the child. The woman has to bear this burden whether the men like it or not. If they want a child so bad they can either go out and adopt or get someone pregnant who actually wants a child.
Is the father going to carry the child within his own body for 10 months then give birth, forever altering his body physically and emotionally?
The father does not have to go through pregnancy, which is a massive change to a person's body and can often times be life-threatening.
When men are able to experience a pregnancy, carry a fetus to term, and then be split open during delivery, they can have a say.
Experiencing a pregnancy and delivery you do not want is far more traumatizing than an abortion.
I strongly disagree because if he isn't the one who is giving birth his opinion or say doesn't matter, he's not the one who has to feel the pain or after effects of pregnancy or any of the risks of it overall.
if the father rapes her child then she should be able to have an abortion
yes and no because abortions if they are traumatized and some dont want a baby they have adoption options and you can just use protection and prevent pregnacy. i feel like you can get an abortion if you were raped and traumamtizing things have happened for your pregnacy.
In my opinion men should not have a say in abortion, but they should be allowed to refuse to pay child support. If a women gets to decide whether she wants a kid in her life or not, a man should get that choice too.
“I feel he should have an equal say in the decision. There should be rights for Fathers who are able and willing.”
In my opinion men should not have a say in abortion, but they should be allowed to refuse to pay child support. If a women gets to decide whether she wants a kid in her life or not, a man should get that choice too.
“I believe Men should have a say in the decision of the termination of their unborn child.”
I disagree, although yes, the father should have a say in the decision. But the mother should also have a say in this, because she is the one who went through the pain to be pregnant, the father should not be the only one to make this decision. On the other hand if the mother is not fit to be a parent, then yes the father can make the decision, but only with legal consultation.
What qualifies as "willing and capable"? How "willing and capable" do you think a child in middle school is of being a parent? And how does that affect him as a child himself ? Or a young man with promise and goals in life that he won't achieve with the weight of being a parent on his shoulders? Everybody thinks they're willing and ready to be a parent but don't actually weigh the weight of the responsibility that comes with that. Especially when you have people who think they can parent your kid better than you so they call social services and dfcs agrees… Read more
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