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What is your stance on abortion?

If the Father of the unborn child is willing and capable of caring for the child and wants to assume…

 @8NNWMBV  from Kansas disagreed…4yrs4Y

I feel he should have an equal say in the decision

The man in the relationship can something but the woman doesn't have to listen. The embryo is growing in her not him. The man has no say so in what the woman does with her body. If she decides she doesn't want to carry the embryo that is her personal choice. You cannot tell a woman what to do with her body, you can suggest something, but don't tell her she needs to do this and that.

 @922N4H7 from Kentucky commented…2yrs2Y

It takes two people to have a baby, so I personally believe that the parents should agree on the decision to abort the baby or not. Both opinions should be taken into consideration and talked about between the parents on what is best to do for them personally.

 @99VD6VGConstitution from Washington commented…2yrs2Y

Why are people discussing if men should have a say in abortion instead of discussing how evil it is? With all you libs whining about racism, im shocked you can't see that we're heading down towards another civil war -- one over slavery. Just like the abolitionists had the moral high ground then, we have the moral high ground now.

 @9B7ZJLM from Washington agreed…1yr1Y