Help, in theory but have recently become corrupt and should have their powers limited
Hurt, I support some private unions but am strongly against public unions
Help, but ban their ability to make political donations

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 @95DFSVNfrom North Carolina answered…2yrs2Y

 @99QXK2Hfrom Virgin Islands answered…1yr1Y

By and large, the time has passed when unions were critical, but they should not be banned. However, hey should also not be able to force employees to join

 @9HB5MKV from North Carolina answered…8mos8MO

Help, but limit the powers of unions with a history of corruption or obstructing accountability such as police unions

 @98FBB62 from Massachusetts answered…2yrs2Y

 @9MFBRSL from North Carolina answered…2mos2MO

Help, but limit the powers of certain unions with a history of corruption or lack of accountability like police unions

 @8WX2B45 from Virginia answered…3yrs3Y

Both. As a bulwark against abuse of workers, unions provide an invaluable service to their members. However, too many unions have abandoned this basic responsibility in favor of exerting political power to protect outmoded practices and impede innovation.

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