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Unique answers from America users whose views extended beyond the provided choices.

 @9NXW9RJ  from Utah answered…1wk1W

No. The government needs to put a moratorium on printed money and back the US Dollar with gold and silver. Return to the Gold Standard.

 @9MVPFBG from Kentucky answered…4wks4W

The government needs to back off before it destroys something else too.

 @9MV76VC from Massachusetts answered…4wks4W

No, we must restore the gold standard and abolish the Federal Reserve System

 @9MV6FN6 from Indiana answered…4wks4W

 @9P4ZNT3 from Missouri answered…1wk1W

No, if anything they keep increasing it and purposely doing so. How can President Trump decrease inflation as efficiently as he did but now the government can not seem to do anything?\

 @9MW9SV9 from New York answered…4wks4W

There is likely more they can do about it but they can’t control a lot of prices, only influence them.

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