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Other Popular Answers

Unique answers from America users whose views extended beyond the provided choices.

 @9RDMCWK from Pennsylvania answered…4 days4D

Only if it is fully anonymous, as I do believe that everyone using GPS powered maps would improve traffic significantly.

 @9GQK8RK  from Wisconsin answered…5 days5D

No, but consider other solutions to address the growing issue of non-compliance, road rage, etc. (For example, Thailand pays citizens a small sum when they report violations with proof such as a video recording.)

 @9R7S5RK from New Jersey answered…5 days5D

No. Further, private companies who collect such data must publish what their data-gathering and data-use policies are.

 @9R2CPQN  from Georgia answered…1wk1W

If you have a poor driving record which does not include minor offenses like speeding or breaking a red light within half a second then no

 @9R2CKD3 from New Mexico answered…1wk1W

No. But auto insurance companies should on a volunteer basis to help bring down premiums for drivers and better incentivize safe driving.

 @9QZJKSHfrom Montana answered…2wks2W

This a violation of privacy. Citizens shouldn't be forced to have a tracking device in their car if they don't want it.