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 @9NML9K6 from Florida answered…2mos2MO

 @9NXFDC6  from Washington answered…2mos2MO

No, that's an unfathomably stupid idea that will lead to countless deaths and millions in crash-related damages.

 @8RBQDDP  from Vermont answered…2mos2MO

No, this is a ridiculous thing to say; rather there should be more traffic laws and better enforcement

 @3H6X5RQ answered…3wks3W

No. However, there needs to be a higher priority put on driver's education. That education should focus less on factors of speed, and more on safe distances and lane use. In most fatal accidents, the critical factor is often not the speed itself, but rather the failure to maintain a safe following distance for the speed at which one is traveling.

 @9RDHCNZ from Iowa answered…4 days4D

Not entirely, speed limits are necessary but some other stuff isn't. I think they should just increase the penalty if the speeding condition led to an accident.

 @9R8MDWG  from Pennsylvania answered…5 days5D

No, but the police should focus more on addressing crime rather than fining people for traffic violations