
Historical Results

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Other Popular Answers

Unique answers from America users whose views extended beyond the provided choices.

 @9QWTY66  from Oregon answered…2wks2W

No, climate change is not the fault of the individual. Instead, improve public transport and limit corporate and government carbon emissions.

 @935PNTQ  from Massachusetts answered…4 days4D

Only if there is a readily available supply of EVs, and its been proven it will not strain the electric grid. Offer incentives for trading in a gas vehicle, offer services for and incentives to invent a way to either replace a gas powered engine with EV components, or putting a classic/discontinued model frame on an EV base (crown vic, classic f150s, etc)

 @9RBPJVGfrom Maine answered…5 days5D

No, but CO2 prices should be so high that it is only economical to use combustion engines in specialized use cases.

 @9RBNF7D from Washington answered…5 days5D

 @9RB74MN from Tennessee answered…5 days5D

No. The "Battery EV" experiment should be abandoned, and transition over to Hydrogen (both FCEV and H-ICE).

 @9R9WWV9  from Texas answered…5 days5D

Yes, but it should be a graduated expectation that begins with incentives and subsidies and availability of charging stations.