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Other Popular Answers

Unique answers from America users whose views extended beyond the provided choices.

 @9RDHCNZ from Iowa answered…4 days4D

Government deed backed loans before purchase instead of a subsidy or tax break to people who can't get a traditional mortgage.

 @bunnies444  from Virginia answered…4 days4D

No, they should provide subsidies only to the disabled, and regulate the housing market to make houses affordable.

 @9RD45SM from Illinois answered…4 days4D

No. Providing a limit to the rise of home prices and restricting ownership of single family residences by corporations would be more effective.

 @9RD2Q3J from Illinois answered…4 days4D

The government should do more in providing housing so it isn't primarily a product of the private sector.

 @9RC7575 from New Hampshire answered…4 days4D

No, find other ways to lower the cost of housing. Or make college cheaper so people can actually afford to live on their own.

 @9R87XVH from Indiana answered…5 days5D

Yes, interest rate should be set to 3% for first time home buyers no matter the housing market and based on credit score. Max is 5%.