Several Western countries including France, Spain and Canada have proposed laws which would ban Muslim women from wearing a Niqab in public spaces. A niqab is a cloth that covers the face and is worn by some Muslim women in public areas. The U.S. currently does not have any laws banning burqas. Proponents argue that the ban infringes on individual rights and prevents people from expressing their religious beliefs. Opponents argue that face-coverings prevent the clear identification of a person, which is both a security risk, and a social hindrance within a society which relies on facial recognition and expression in communication.
Yes, we should respect all cultural traditions
When that cultural tradition is to demean and shame the woman for existing by hiding her under a cloak, I don't think that's a positive trait we should allow.
Saying no is in direct violation of the freedom of religion right. If there is no suspicious activity, then there should be no prevention law.
As a Deaf individual, covering of the face is highly disrespectful in our culture. And no, not just the United States of America, but internationally. Deaf Muslim children and women highly reject such facial coverings.
It's of utmost importance for our culture to 'read' facial expressions and the lip movements tell us a lot about the individual's emotions.
It is perfectly fine if they cover their head and their body... But not the face and hands.
Thank you for this comment. This is an interesting perspective I had not considered before.
Nuns wear penguin outfits and a lot of women here hide their faces under make-up and plastic surgery. No one begrudges them THEIR right to look stupid. So get a grip. It's a free country. Usually the "moral" majority gets upset when women AREN'T covering themselves from head to toe. Like when GW Moron was in office and his administration covered up all of the statues featuring exposed breasts. I mean, seriously. COME ON! What is wrong with you tRUMP fans. Back off, Bozos.
This is a pathetic solution to a serious problem and would be no different than making all men shave their beards…it would not solve anything. We need to take drastic measures to vet anyone entering this country and equally as drastic steps to identify and eliminate those already among us that seek our destruction. Doing so based on the clothing they wear is as effective as basing it on what their favorite color is.
@9JL9Q8N 7mos7MO
No, "When in Rome...." This is the United States, not the Arabian Peninsula - it is disrespectful to our culture and presents security issues. Many Western countries have already ran this experiment and banned/limited this garb (Austria, France, Switzerland, Netherlands, Belgium...). We do not need to repeat this multicultural experiment.
Security issues that can be managed with minor accommodation, but in no way is it disrespectful to a culture expressly built out of other cultures.
Only if anyone is allowed to wear a mask and hide their identity.
Face coverings are dehumanizing, when not used for temporary protection, such as surgery masks or hazmat.
What may seem dehumanizing to one culture can be a symbol of identity and respect in another. For instance, the Niqāb in Islamic culture is often a personal choice that symbolizes modesty and devotion. Isn't it our duty to respect the values of diversity and individual choice, particularly during civic ceremonies which aim to bring people together? Could we not strive to create an environment where everyone feels respected and included?
Yes, clothing choice is a part of free expression, which itself is a part of freedom of speech, while religious clothing is an expression of freedom of religion, both of which are inherent in the First Amendment
Yes, we should respect peoples freedom of expression.
Yes, anything else would be a violation of free speech
@9S5CNL8 1mo1MO
Protected by the 1st amendment freedim of religion, im zurprised this is an argument
Yes, but their identity must be privately verified by a female staff member only if ID is required for everyone
Yes, but their identity must be privately verified by a staff member that they are comfortable with.
The choice to wear a face veil to civic ceremonies is up to the individual woman.
Yes, but only in the religious buildings.
No, because it is a barrier in fighting terror.
No, separation of church and state is vital in ALL cases. I don’t care how traditional your religion is, it doesn’t belong in the public sector.
No. And all public masking should be a criminal offense.
No, ban all religious clothing in public
yes and no one should be able to tell them otherwise. It is a big part of their religion.
Honestly, no you moved to this country rules should change for you, you need to acclimate to this culture.
Scarves and headdresses are one thing. Face coverings are for Halloween.
Yes, as long as they have proof of thier identity.
Head covering, yes, face covering, no
Only if they are identified and we know that they have chosen themselves to wear it.
As long as they're not forced to.
Yes, It is protected by the first amendment
Yes if you have a valid background check and no signs of terrorism
I am uneducated on this issue.
Yes, women should be allowed to wear a Niqāb. The argument that it the "face-coverings prevent the clear identification of a person, which is both a security risk" is invalid. NO difference than the waring of a mask during the Covid-19 pandemic!
Once again separation of Church and State this is a secular country
Considering we all wear masks now, does it matter?
Yes, During security at an airport or at borders but not during passport pictures
YES! I feel as though if the US didn't feel like every Muslim was a terrorist that wouldn't be a problem. The only time a woman should have to take off her Niqāb, or face veil should be for their ID.
I agree that they should be allowed to do it, but I can't stress enough how much I despise all religions and think that these kinds of things are a symbol of millennia of oppression and conquest. This isn't about Islam specifically, I don't like any kind of religious thing whatsoever but I agree that they can do it.
Yes but they should only take off their coverings when they need to prove their identity for whatever reason.
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