
Historical Results

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Other Popular Answers

Unique answers from America users whose views extended beyond the provided choices.

 @84ZWD6L from Pennsylvania answered…4yrs4Y

 @7PTCG38  from Wisconsin answered…7mos7MO

Yes, but this should be determined and enforced by state governments based on the rates of contacted cases of COVID-19 and related hospitalizations within their own territories

 @7PTCG38 from Wisconsin answered…1yr1Y

No, this should be determined by state governments based upon the rise or decline of Covid-19 cases within their own territories

 @7PTCG38 from Wisconsin answered…1yr1Y

No, this should be determined by state governments based upon the rise or decline of Covid-19 cases within their own territories.

 @7PTCG38 from Wisconsin answered…1yr1Y

Yes, but this should be determined by state governments based upon the rise or decline of Covid-19 cases within their own territories.

 @gtbensa from Florida answered…4yrs4Y

At the time, given the information, it was the right decision. But we cannot stay closed forever.