Yes, but not until the no-fly list screening process is improved for accuracy and includes due process
No, it is unconstitutional to deny someone’s rights without due process
Yes, if the government considers you too dangerous to board a plane you should not be able to buy a gun
No, this is a slippery slope that will eventually ban the sale of guns to anyone
Yes, and ban the sale of guns and ammunition to anyone

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Other Popular Answers

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 @587QZFYfrom Florida answered…4yrs4Y

The Constitution is for our protection..not for the protection of suspected terrorists. If someone is on the "no fly" list... they need to prove themselves innocent/safe. I agree this sounds like it is against "innocent until proven guilty" but do we want innocent until you kill 200 people ?

 @8YDCCSQ from North Carolina answered…3yrs3Y

Depends on what they were put on the No-fly list for and I believe the nofly list should be improved for accuracy and includes due process.

  @morphoenix from Florida answered…2yrs2Y

No, but there should be a more rigorous process to purchase a gun and ammunition.

 @9GZDTYY from Maryland answered…8mos8MO

Yes, I believe that suspected terrorists on the federal terrorism watch list should be banned from purchasing guns and ammunition but only after investigation(s) and judicial review of the suspected terrorist have substantial enough evidence to imply the individual may engage in terrorist activities, because at that point the individual has essentially surrendered their right to bear arms by interfering with the rights of others.

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