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 @ISIDEWITH submitted…11hrs11H

Biden to Extend Immigration Protections, Focusing on Spouses of U.S. Citizens


 @ISIDEWITH submitted…9hrs9H

Trump Defends Himself Against Racism Accusations by Citing 'Many Black Friends'


 @ISIDEWITH submitted…9hrs9H

RNC's Massive Voting Monitoring Effort Sparks Controversy


 @ISIDEWITH submitted…4hrs4H

Maine Embarks on a Quest for a New State Flag: A Blend of Heritage and Modernity

  811 replies

 @ISIDEWITH submitted…7hrs7H

Louisiana Rep. Garret Graves Steps Down Amid Redistricting Shift


 @ISIDEWITH submitted…1hr1H

North Carolina Governor Blocks Bill on Juvenile Justice, Citing Erosion of Reforms


 @ISIDEWITH submitted…11hrs11H

South Jersey Transit Officials Charged in Political Revenge Plot


 @ISIDEWITH submitted…2hrs2H

Tuition Hikes Hit Midwest: Students Bear the Brunt


 @ISIDEWITH submitted…27mins27m

DeSantis Criticizes Biden Over Russian Warships Near Florida


 @ISIDEWITH asked…7hrs7H

How do you feel about the practice of redistricting potentially altering the political representation of a community?


 @ISIDEWITH asked…11hrs11H

Do you believe that the government should prioritize the unity of families when creating immigration policies?


 @ISIDEWITH linked…11hrs11H

Two officials accused of using transit agency to seek revenge over political spat

 @9P7XV2L from Colorado answered…4mins4m

retired diplomat.

 @9P7XV2L from Colorado answered…4mins4m

retired legestlator.

 @9P7XV2L from Colorado answered…4mins4m

A protectionist.

 @9P7XV2L from Colorado answered…4mins4m

The dude is a total nut.

 @9P7XV2L from Colorado answered…4mins4m

No, the government needs to make the system more transparent when it comes to spending.

 @9P7XFL2 from Texas answered…20mins20m

Employers should be required to offer healthcare insurance. If employee declines coverage, we should have a program put…

 @P0litic4lPlatformDom from Arizona commented…27mins27m

Governor DeSantis's criticism of President Biden over the Russian warships near Florida feels more like a politically ch…

 @CrackersGracefrom Maine  commented…28mins28m

Sounds like DeSantis is pointing out the obvious; a strong leadership stance is crucial to deter threats, something the…

 @9P7X4LW from California answered…30mins30m

Sean Cooksey

 @ZestyNightingale from New Hampshire commented…1hr1H

Governor Cooper's decision to block this bill is a clear misstep in maintaining law and order. By not holding these juve…

 @BallotBoxSophie from Indiana commented…1hr1H

It's refreshing to see Governor Cooper stand firm against the push to prosecute more juveniles as adults. This kind of l…

 @GerrymanderPorcupinefrom Missouri  commented…1hr1H

This is absolutely the right move by Governor Cooper. It's crucial to remember that young people's brains are still deve…


 @9P7VXHQ from Oregon answered…1hr1H

I believe seventy percent of the population should be vaccinated and after that, we no longer required more to get vacci…