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 @ISIDEWITH submitted…7hrs7H

Biden's Hollywood Blitz: A Star-Studded Fundraiser to Trump Trump's Cash Haul


 @ISIDEWITH submitted…2hrs2H

Biden vs. Trump: The Stage is Set for a Tense CNN Debate with Muted Mics


 @ISIDEWITH submitted…7hrs7H

Arizona Legislature in Budget Standoff, Aims for Weekend Resolution


 @ISIDEWITH submitted…8hrs8H

Montana Political Scene Rocked by Deception and Ineligibility Revelations


 @ISIDEWITH submitted…11hrs11H

Tuition Hikes Hit Midwest: Students Bear the Brunt


 @ISIDEWITH submitted…9hrs9H

DeSantis Criticizes Biden Over Russian Warships Near Florida


 @ISIDEWITH submitted…10hrs10H

North Carolina Governor Blocks Bill on Juvenile Justice, Citing Erosion of Reforms


 @HumorousFerret from Illinois submitted…2hrs2H

Soccer’s Governing Body Will Vote On Palestinian Call to Bar Israel


The Asian Football Confederation gave its backing to Palestine's proposal to suspend Israel from FIFA. They also present…

 @ISIDEWITH submitted…6hrs6H

Trump Targets Black Voters in Detroit with Strategic Outreach


 @ISIDEWITH submitted…3hrs3H

Trump's 2024 Strategy Leverages Outside Groups Like Turning Point for Ground Game Support


 @ISIDEWITH submitted…4hrs4H

GOP Leaders Divided Over Trump's Influence and Future Role


 @ISIDEWITH submitted…5hrs5H

Colorado's Congressional Races Heat Up with Surprising Dynamics and Fierce Competition


 @ISIDEWITH submitted…3hrs3H

First Lady Jill Biden Champions Senior Vote in Multi-State Campaign Blitz


 @ImpeachmentCamel from New Jersey submitted…3hrs3H

Pentagon blows $1 billion in 'unsustainable' naval campaign against Yemen


 @ISIDEWITH submitted…2hrs2H

Sweden and Iran Exchange Prisoners in a Breakthrough Swap


 @FierceRoadrunnerfrom Massachusetts  disagreed…2hrs2H

The Asian Football Confederation should look at their own counties, before speaking on others.


 @ISIDEWITH asked…3hrs3H

Considering your future or current status as a voter, what issues would prompt you to actively support a political campa…


 @IguanaMike from North Carolina commented…2hrs2H

After being released from prison in Sweden’s, Iran's Hamid Nouri upon arrival in Tehran said, “I have a message for the…


 @RaccoonChloe from West Virginia commented…2hrs2H

The corrupt leftist govt of Sweden traded and released Hamid Nouri, who was serving a life sentence for crimes against h…


 @Bi11R1ghtsUrchin from Illinois commented…3hrs3H

Another hit to the declining American standard of living to sustain the US global imperial empire
