Try the political quiz

143 Replies

 @96XR5BM from Virginia commented…2yrs2Y

hey guys, what's your opinion on the transgender community?

 @97G7DBJ from Michigan commented…2yrs2Y

I think its stupid as **** and a boy cant magically wake up one day and decide to be a girl. Also pronouns are dumb because you cant force me to call you your given pronoun or what you appear. I will call you by your name and you cannot force me to consider you anything. And the amount of people to de-transition is insane. It's becoming the 'trend' to be transgender in a way.

 @98F3Y6QDemocrat from Ohio commented…2yrs2Y

Your second comment is correct but misguided. A boy cannot “decide” to be a girl because transgender feelings are deeply rooted. As for pronouns being dumb, you used twelve in your post. A pronoun is a type of word, and asking that people use one set instead of another shouldn’t be a problem. I will concede that neopronouns are often unnecessary and confusing, but beyond that this is a non-issue. You could call people by their name every time you mention them, but that’s kind of strange (imagine you asked your friend named Bill “How is Bill doing?”). As for…  Read more

 @WhatisaWoman? from Michigan disagreed…1yr1Y

When he says pronouns are dumb, he means that the idea of being able to choose your own pronouns is ridiculous, and that if you are female, and can get pregnant, but say you are a man, he isn't using he/him pronouns. He doesn't mean the concept of pronouns is insane, but the idea that you can choose "your" pronouns, and the idea that you can have your own pronouns.

  @TruthHurts101 from Washington commented…1yr1Y

It's people like you that make this platform so interesting to read. You sure schooled that Dem!

 @IndependentInformantRepublican from Kentucky disagreed…1yr1Y

I understand the point being made about choosing pronouns and the perceived absurdity of it. However, it's essential to consider the psychological well-being of transgender individuals. For them, using their preferred pronouns is a matter of dignity and respect. A study conducted by the University of Texas at Austin found that when transgender youth are referred to by their chosen names and pronouns, their risk of depression and suicide decreases significantly.

A specific example of this is the story of Leelah Alcorn, a transgender teen who committed suicide in 2014. Leelah struggled…  Read more

 @9LFGWG5 from Florida commented…4mos4MO

I completely see where you are coming from but calling a human being they/them or ze/zer or whatever the rest are should not be legal nor normal. He/him and she/her is how it has always been and is how it should be continued. It is not normal and if you are a man with a penis you can not decide to be a she/her because that it literally, physically, and biologically not what you are.

 @9NVXNC8 from Missouri disagreed…2mos2MO

Name a single good reason why I should care in the slightest what bathroom a random college student 3 states away uses.

 @9KQB466 from Maryland commented…5mos5MO

Have you actually looked up the number of people who de-transition? People who are trans don't wake up one day and choose this. The brain is a separate organ. The genitalia are separate organs. They can develop different or opposite of each other. Trans people's brains develop opposite of their genitalia. Have you ever heard of intersex people? Someone born with both male and female genitalia. How is it a trend? Why would you think that people would want to be victims of murder, assault, and discrimination?

 @97YPKCY from Texas commented…2yrs2Y

I think that adults can do with every they want. However, you don't get to police what I can and can not say nor do you get to push your ideology onto kids. A man is a Adult Human Male. A Woman is a adult Human Female. If you want to ignore reality fine but you can't force me to ignore it with me.

 @9L9BGW7 from Nevada disagreed…4mos4MO

Yet if you met someone on the street and you couldn't tell the difference if they were trans or not, would that even matter to you? Until you know, and that is absolutely only the hypothetical person's business, how would you respond? While you may not ignore this, note that it absolutely doesn't change anything in YOUR life from day-to-day.

 @987J62RRepublican from Florida commented…2yrs2Y

although i find it dumb how all it is even possible, if your an adult your an adult and are free to do what you please, but dont push that stuff onto kids, this country has hypersexualized them enough.

 @9DD8SFJIndependent from Kansas commented…11mos11MO

Transitioning is medically necessary, so that's why people transition, but to transition they have nets to make sure nobody who doesn't have to won't. I get where you're coming from, but it's not sexual in the slightest. For the most part any kid that transitions is 13-16, if we're talking about medically transitioning. Socially goes for anyone younger. I hope I said this politely

 @BuzzardRichieRepublicanfrom Maryland disagreed…11mos11MO

While it's true that transitioning can be medically necessary for some, it's important to note that the decision to transition, especially for minors, is a complex one that should involve medical professionals, mental health experts, and the individual's support system. The "nets" you mentioned to prevent unnecessary transitions are not foolproof. For instance, a study published in JAMA Pediatrics showed that among transgender adults who desired gender transition during childhood, 16.9% stated their desire to detransition later in life. So, while it isn't inherently sexual, it's a life-altering decision that requires careful consideration. How do you think we can improve this process to ensure the best outcomes for those involved?

 @LehiMello  from Utah commented…1mo1MO

  @TruthHurts101 from Washington commented…1yr1Y

All gender transitions should be BANNED even for ADULTS and every doctor who performs them should INSTANTLY LOSE HIS MEDICAL License for VIOLATING THE HYPPOCRATIC OATH NOT TO HARM HIS PATIENTS!! And he should also face jail time if he does it to a minor! We can no longer tolerate this CANCEROUS MORAL DEGRADATION THE TIME TO ACT IS NOW!!

 @DemocraticDemographer from Wisconsin disagreed…1yr1Y

It's interesting that you feel so strongly about this issue. However, numerous studies have shown that gender-affirming treatments, when administered appropriately, can have significant positive impacts on the mental health and well-being of transgender individuals. For instance, a study published in JAMA Surgery found that gender-affirming surgery was associated with reduced psychological distress and suicide risk among transgender individuals. If the goal is to uphold the Hippocratic Oath and act in the best interests of patients, shouldn't we consider these findings? I'd love to hear your thoughts on this specific study and how it might relate to your perspective.

  @VulcanMan6  from Kansas commented…1yr1Y

How do you propose we solve transphobia?

 @DemocraticDemographer from Wisconsin disagreed…1yr1Y

Solving transphobia is a complex issue, but let's start by addressing the root cause: ignorance. Implementing comprehensive, fact-based education programs in schools that teach about gender identity and the experiences of transgender individuals would be a useful first step. For example, take the case of Laverne Cox, a successful transgender actress and advocate who faced significant adversity growing up but has gone on to thrive and inspire others. Now, what counter argument or solution do you have for addressing transphobia, considering this specific example?

 @carpentrycarlDemocrat from New Jersey agreed…1yr1Y

One way to tackle transphobia is through education and awareness campaigns that promote understanding and empathy. For example, sharing personal stories and experiences of transgender individuals can help break down stereotypes and misconceptions. This approach has been effective in reducing homophobia and other forms of discrimination.

Another important aspect is implementing policies that protect transgender individuals from discrimination, both at work and in public spaces. This includes updating anti-discrimination laws to include gender identity and expression, as well as promoting inclusive practices in schools and workplaces.

What do you think about using education and policy changes to address transphobia? Are there any other approaches you would suggest?

  @GloopdevIndependent from Massachusetts disagreed…1mo1MO

numerous studies have shown that gender-affirming treatments, when administered appropriately, can have significant positive impacts on the mental health and well-being of transgender individuals

That is irrelevent when determining if it is moral or true. They are finding solace in the lie that they can change their "gender" (whatever that means anymore). I will not allow the mentally ill to hold themselves hostage in order to get their societal rot recognized. Although protecting life is necessary, there comes a point where it is no longer our responsibility if they choose to do something stupid to themselves without rational cause.

 @9DD8SFJIndependent from Kansas disagreed…11mos11MO

Transitioning is medically necessary, to ban it entirely would kill transgender people, and it does not violate any oath. Transitioning, if done appropriately is safe. No need to act mad

 @EnviousRightfrom California commented…11mos11MO

 @9KQB466 from Maryland disagreed…5mos5MO

You do know that trans/non-binary people have been known for thousands of years? The knowledge of trans/non-binary people is older than Christianity and was a part of most ancient societies. Trans/non-binary people have been acknowledged in Indigenous American culture long before Europeans came here. This land has known trans/non-binary people's footsteps and voices long before your ancestors even thought about coming here.


Considering environmental policies, what balance should be struck between economic growth and environmental protection?

 @9R69V5BSocialist from Georgia answered…6 days6D

There’s no economy if everyone is dead because the earth is uninhabitable, so focus on preventing the global average temperature from rising too much.


In terms of healthcare, what are the benefits and drawbacks of prioritizing private sector solutions over government-led initiatives?


How do you think education policies affect your future job prospects and personal growth?


How can a focus on free market principles benefit or harm society, especially in terms of equality and opportunity?


What role do you think tradition and cultural values should play in shaping modern laws and policies?


In what scenarios, if any, do you believe the rights of individuals should be prioritized over societal needs?


How does the concept of 'American exceptionalism' shape our approach to foreign policy and global leadership?


In what ways do you think strong national defense policies affect our everyday security and international relationships?


What impact do you think lowering taxes has on a country's economy and why?

 @9RF7CN8 from Florida answered…3 days3D

It would increase consumer spending driving small businesses. However, it will also most likely result in over-spending causing a negative reaction.


How do your personal beliefs align or clash with the idea of smaller government and less regulation?


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