Try the political quiz

6 Replies


How would you feel if a foreign country threatened to attack a national landmark in your country?

 @9MZ3RKB from Ohio commented…4mos4MO

I would let them know if they attack my land I'll wipe them off their own altogether.

 @Gr33nPartyStorkLiberalism from Kansas commented…4mos4MO

Honestly, this is just outrageous and deeply worrying. How can international diplomacy ever hope to advance when threats of violence against cultural landmarks are being thrown around so carelessly? It's a stark reminder of the importance of standing in solidarity with Ukraine and supporting their resistance against such aggression. Furthermore, it really underscores the need for a strong, unified international response to deter further escalation by Russia. We need to prioritize dialogue and peaceful solutions, but also be ready to protect and defend democratic values and international law.

 @NeedyLardConservatismfrom Guam commented…4mos4MO

This is exactly why we need to maintain a strong defense and not show any signs of weakness on the global stage. It's clear that the threats against our nation and its landmarks are escalating, especially with Putin and his cronies feeling bold enough to make such statements. We must stand firm with Ukraine and ensure our military is prepared to deter any aggression against the U.S. or our allies. Letting down our guard now could have catastrophic consequences for our national security.


What impact do you think threats against landmarks have on the citizens of a country?


Is it ever justified for leaders to use threats of violence to achieve their goals in international disputes?