You believe in promoting individual freedoms, equal rights, and social justice to create a fair and inclusive society.
Liberalism is a political ideology that emphasizes individual rights, equality, and the protection of civil liberties. It is rooted in the principles of democracy, free market economics, and the rule of law. The term "liberalism" comes from the Latin word "liber," meaning "free," and it is fundamentally concerned with the concept of freedom and the rights of the individual.
The origins of liberalism can be traced back to the Age of Enlightenment in the 17th and 18th centuries, a period of intellectual and philosophical development that emphasized reason,…
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How would you handle a situation where your friend’s freedom of choice clashed with your own beliefs?
Have a discussion and try to understand why they feel the way they do
because every person is different, i wouldnt shame someone or talk down on them with however they feel.
just let it be because there is so many other people with their own opinions
They can believe whatever they want to believe its not my problem.
Can a society truly uphold equal rights for all its members without some form of government intervention, and why do you think so?
I believe that liberalism has come a little too far especially in present days. Yes equality should be top tier but some ideology that has come up in present days and are praised by some people in schools. These new events that are being exposed to our children are opposites of the norm and we are accepting things that children shouldn't be introduced until they are mature.
I believe that government intervention is necessary even if not ideal. There is not an ideal we can reach since humanity suffers with a lack of integrity. We are divided spiritually and ethically. The government in a democratic system was meant to represent the majority with the idea that the most people possible will benefit. Therefore, I would hope there would be intervention if necessary since they have structure and consistent rules. Without government intervention, we are at the whim of the changing passions and spiritual explorations of various groups.
No, in our current society, the government is necessary in upholding and maintaining human rights.
If there is no government, then people will be hurting others and denying them their civil rights
How has travel or exposure to other cultures affected your view on liberalism and individual rights?
I support liberalism, consent of the governed, and individual rights. Exposure to other cultures through History classes has taught me the importance of it.
I agree with some aspects of liberalism such as equality before the law and liberty, but I prefer socialism and communism.
I have a better understanding of different cultures and their practices and I seem to be more open-mined than those who don't expose themselves to other cultures so I ended up having a more liberal mindset
it has changed, I think about everyone not just a group
In what way has a law or policy directly impacted your sense of freedom, for better or worse?
Law or policy regarding Roe V Wade has made me feel less of a person. I feel like my own rights are being taken away and it is not up for discussion after decision has already been made.
I feel triumphant that Roe V. Wade was repealed – thousands of lives have been saved.
the more gun laws that are put in place the more the 2nd amendment is hurt.
The abortion laws in North Dakota before Roe vs. Wade affected me.
Should individual success be prioritized over collective well-being, or is there a middle ground?
If an individual earned his success, his success is not for everyone.
Individual success is useful and sometimes necessary to raise collective well-being
@VulcanMan6 1yr1Y
I would argue that, at a certain point, individual success is simply detrimental to collective well-being, and thus why individualist systems are anti-societal.
Can art and media influence our understanding of freedom, and has any piece changed your views?
yes, everything we see and hear affects us but i wouldn't say i could pinpoint. a specific article or message that entirely influenced my view.
yes it can once learning about issues from both sides my opinion has changed
I think it can, especially if someone doesn't understand or is debating on something, a person can change an steer someone in a specific direction
How might your day-to-day life change if there were more or fewer restrictions on personal behavior?
if there were a change in restrictions on personal behavior it would change a lot but i need more detail to give a better answer like what the restrictions are and if there are more or fewer. the question is too broad
It is entirely in the individual's self-interest to cooperate.23 In sum, liberalism's ends are life and property,Because liberalism acknowledged the dignity of the common person, it tapped humanity's creativity, ingenuity and productive
When making new friends or acquaintances, how important is it that they share your views on personal freedoms?
In what ways do you believe education shapes a person's understanding of their own freedoms?
If people are more educated in this topic, then they can better understand their rights.
It is essential to shape our views because it works towards discovering truth rather than passing on ideologies.
Have you ever had to reconsider your belief or stance on an issue due to its impact on the freedoms of others?
no i dont think it does there is some rules when if comes to human saftey.
Have you ever changed an opinion because of someone else's freedom of speech, and what was it?
This will never happen as long as mainstream media continues to lie to the public to try and sway or brainwash people
If you could create one new right to improve society, what would it be and why?
if i could create one new right to improve society if would b e to give women the right to do what they want with their own body. The fact that there are people in charge telling women we are not allowed birth control or plan bs or not allowed the right to have an abortion even if said female does not want or baby or even the sexual interaction. most of thoes people who set thoes rules are men and they should be the last people we let decide what to do with womens bodies.
How do you reconcile the desire for personal freedom with the need for environmental protection?
@9JKTD4G 1yr1Y
I think that you could use your personal freedom rights and opinions to come up with ideas or convince citizens and the government to protect the environment, because if the environment ain't around then you ain't neither.
I think that having personal freedom is very important and as for the environment I as well think its important to keep up with the protection of our nature.
How does the environment we grow up in shape our views toward personal liberties and rights?
If you are born into a sphere where you have fought for everything then you would be inclined to fight for your liberties more and want more of them. Whereas if you were born wealthy or priviledged your liberties wuldn't be as important to you.
In a scenario where public safety and individual freedoms are at odds, how would you decide what takes precedence?
Individual freedoms are important but if it's endangering the public, public safety should be taken more seriously.
Do you believe everyone has an equal opportunity to exercise their rights, and if not, what obstacles exist?
Yes, I believe that people should be entitled to liberalism because it follows the traditional rules of the Constitution and Bill Of Rights.
How do you think your life would be different if you had more say in the laws that affect you?
I think my environment would be dangerous because many people have crazy ideas these days, and don't think morally.
I think we elect officals that share the same values as us
Do you believe that some government restrictions on personal liberties can be justified if they promote social equality?
How can we ensure that the quest for social justice doesn't infringe upon the liberties of others?
We cant ensure that the quest for social justice doesn't infringe upon the liberties of others.
How might youth today redefine the concept of freedom for future generations?
I feel like freedom right now is more like freedom for those who are wealthy. They have the financial freedom to not rely on government aid to scrape by on a weekly basis. The especially rich are the ones that have most of the power and freedom over the population. In the future, this system may be abolished and rather than biased freedom, we will have more equal freedoms.
an emphasis on freedom of choice for the individual
Should the pursuit of individual freedom always be supported, even if it goes against traditional societal norms?
Yes, because people deserve to have the possibility to gain individual freedom. Bing the person that they want to be should be accepted and expressed as a social norm. People should have the possibility and feel that they can express themselves without prejudice.
Most of the time, unless is endangers themselves or others.
How would you balance freedom of expression with preventing the spread of harmful misinformation?
Freedom of expression is an important right that enable people to express their opinions and values. Although, harmful misinformation, prejudice and hate speech does not belong in the public sphere and should be considered an act of crime. Harmful expressions should not be considered a part of liberalism and freedom of speech.
You get multiple peoples point of views on the subject.
Can privacy still be maintained in an age where information is so freely available?
In believe it can because unless you committed a crime, or are a big part of social media. No one can really find you. If you don’t have online accounts, then you don’t have a digital footprint for anyone to follow.
No because anyone can look up anything about anyone
Have personal liberties influenced your choice of hobbies or interests, and if so, how?
Yes and no like if l like something and l start doing it more then it becomes a hobbie but sometimes if it seems strage l might quit based on the other perspectives
Have you ever felt you had to fight for a right you believed was fundamental, and what did that struggle teach you?
All of my life i have been fighting to prove my name I have been judge because of my race but i have fought through it
How has a volunteer or community service experience impacted your view on the collective good versus individual rights?
@9J3H8PN 1yr1Y
Individual rights should always extend until they limit someone else’s right to do so
What do you think is the most effective way to balance public health and individual freedom based on recent global events?
people should do what they want, just don't involve the people that dont want to do it.
In a liberal society, how should we address the concerns of those who feel their freedoms are being limited?
they can protest about it a long as they don't distrupt other people or communities.
What role should empathy play when considering the rights and freedoms of others in our decisions?
Empathy is something most if not all of us lack to a certain degree. We can sympathize with some groups or some ideals but there also some things we absolutely cannot sympathize with. That's just human nature and influence of society at play. But considering our governmental standards towards empathy, we always so be keeping in mind the rights and freedoms for everyone. The more selfish we get the worse off we are when it comes to compromising. And often times we can't compromise because we rely on extreme values (either liberal or conservatives doesn't matter which) If we want to be empathetic, it's time to really have a bi-partisan government and start thinking of the people and not just "the people" you want to acknowledge or simply not acknowledge.
Is it possible for economic freedom and social equality to coexist perfectly, and what might be the challenges?
I think that liberalism should coexist because we as a community and people should be able to have equal rights in everything.
How would you balance the importance of individual freedoms with the need for laws to maintain order in society?
Liberty is better found in the republican party today! The libs want you to do everything they direct you to do.
This is a loaded question. It assumes that laws and individual freedoms are inherently contradictory, which I am firmly convicted is false, though I do not subscribe to the definition of the world "law" most people do. A Law is not something a government creates out of thin air on any given day. No. Government is not a deity, or an enlightened institution, or in any sense wise or capable of making basic judgements. A Law, rather, is something that exists before human beings ever create governments – God made the true laws, in a system the Founders called the Natural Law.
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How do you think a sense of freedom contributes to creativity and innovation?
It allows people to do whatever they want which leaves more room for creativity.
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