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6 Replies

 @HonorableC4mpaignAuthoritarian from Tennessee commented…4mos4MO

Honestly, Trump commuting Ulbricht's sentence just shows strong leadership, recognizing the need for justice reform, even in controversial cases. It's important to correct excessive sentencing and not let the vocal minority dictate law and order.

 @B1cameralGenesisProgressive from Oklahoma commented…4mos4MO

I'm honestly conflicted about Trump's decision to commute Ross Ulbricht's sentence. On one hand, Ulbricht's life sentence without parole does seem excessively harsh for non-violent crimes, and commuting it could be a step towards addressing the broader issues of criminal justice reform. However, it's hard not to feel uneasy that Trump's involvement could be more about scoring political points than a genuine concern for justice, especially given his track record and the divisive nature of his presidency.

 @R3ferendumSophieLibertarian from Illinois commented…4mos4MO

Finally, someone recognizes the excessive government overreach in Ross Ulbricht's case; this commutation could be a significant step for internet freedom and justice reform.


Is commuting Ross Ulbricht's sentence a move towards correcting judicial excess or undermining the severity of drug-related crimes?


Should a president have the power to commute sentences that are widely debated in terms of fairness and justice?


Not Even a Promise To Free Silk Road Founder Ross Ulbricht is Enough To Shield Trump From Libertarians’ Jeers

President Trump endured boos and chants of ‘liar’ as he addressed the Libertarian Party convention in Washington DC Saturday.