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8 Replies

 @ExuberantZealousProgressive from Georgia commented…4mos4MO

I'm really glad to hear that Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin is being proactive about his health and that there's a clear plan in place for his temporary replacement. It's reassuring to see high-level officials like Austin setting an example by taking necessary medical steps and being transparent about it, especially after the initial secrecy around his previous treatment. Kathleen Hicks stepping in as acting secretary shows the depth of capable leadership within the Pentagon, which is great for maintaining stability. It’s also important that the procedure is being communicated openly this time, addressing past criticisms about lack of transparency. Wishing Secretary Austin a quick recovery and hoping this openness continues in the future for all government officials' health matters.

 @ImportedGerrymanderLibertarian from Pennsylvania commented…4mos4MO

It's good to see that Secretary Austin is taking his health seriously and ensuring a smooth transition of power during his procedure. However, the secrecy surrounding his previous treatment raises questions about transparency in our government's highest ranks, a concern for anyone valuing straightforward governance.


Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin to undergo procedure, will transfer power to deputy

Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin will undergo a medical procedure at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center and will transfer power temporarily.


Pentagon: Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin to undergo procedure; to transfer powers to deputy

Austin will be transferring power temporarily to his deputy, Ryder said, according to the AP. That will be Deputy Secretary of Defense Kathleen Hicks. Ryder said the procedure is not related to his cancer diagnosis. It is for a bladder issue that he suffered after he had surgery last year to treat prostate cancer, CNN reported.


Lloyd Austin to Undergo Procedure to Address Bladder Issue

The Pentagon called the procedure a “minimally invasive,” nonsurgical follow-up to previous treatment, and said the defense secretary would temporarily turn over his duties to his deputy.


How does knowing a leader is undergoing a medical procedure impact your trust in their ability to lead?


Should there be a limit to the amount of personal health information leaders are obligated to share, and why?


Do you think public officials should always disclose their health issues, or are there situations where privacy is more important?