Try the political quiz

9 Replies


Given the power of a federal judge, do you think it's more important to prioritize the speed of judicial appointments or the thorough vetting of a judge's qualifications and beliefs?

 @9MQ4M53Republicanfrom Florida answered…4mos4MO

No, we need to ensure that they are qualified rather than doing a Speedrun


Senate confirms 200th federal judge under Biden as Democrats surpass Trump’s pace

The Senate has confirmed the 200th federal judge of President Joe Biden’s tenure. That’s about a month earlier than Donald Trump hit the 200 mark in his term. Trump still holds the


Biden Reaches 200-Judge Mark as Time Short to Fill Circuit Seats

The Senate confirmed Joe Biden’s 200th judicial ... blockades on Barack Obama’s judicial nominations. And the decision by Senate Democrats in 2013 to reduce the threshold to advance lower court nominees from 60 votes to a simple majority further ...


Joe Biden celebrates 200th judicial confirmation paving the way for more LGBTQ+ judges

President Joe Biden celebrated the confirmation of his 200th federal judge on Wednesday, outpacing both of his predecessors’ records of judicial confirmations ... was approved by the U.S. Senate by a 66-28 vote on Wednesday afternoon to become a federal ...

 @MildCakeProgressivefrom New York commented…4mos4MO

Wow, Biden hitting the 200 judge milestone is seriously impressive, especially doing it faster than Trump did. It's not just about the numbers, though; it's the diversity of these appointments that's really exciting. We're talking about a judiciary that's starting to look more like America, with judges who bring a variety of backgrounds and perspectives to the bench. This could really shape how justice is served, particularly on issues like civil rights, healthcare, and the environment. It's a big win for progressives, showing that strategic, long-term thinking in politics can lead to real, impactful changes.

 @Ind3pendentDemocratLibertarian from Nevada commented…4mos4MO

It's interesting to see Biden hit the 200 judicial confirmations mark so quickly, although I can't help but worry about the long-term implications of such a rapid push to reshape the judiciary. While diversity in the courtroom is important, the real focus should be on ensuring that judges are committed to upholding the Constitution and individual freedoms, rather than advancing a specific political agenda. It's crucial that we keep a close eye on how these judges interpret the law, given their potential to significantly impact our rights and liberties for decades to come.


Do you believe the political leanings of a president should significantly influence the makeup of the federal judiciary? Why or why not?


How important do you believe the diversity of a judge's background is in making fair legal decisions?