Try the political quiz

6 Replies


If you were in charge, what penalty would you impose for campaign finance violations to ensure fairness in political campaigns?


Should public officials be allowed to endorse candidates, or does it threaten the fairness of elections?


Do you believe a $1,500 fine is enough to deter public officials from misusing their platform for political endorsements?


Former Warren Mayor Jim Fouts Fined for Political Endorsements on City TV Channel…

Ex-Warren Mayor Jim Fouts was fined $1,500 for endorsing candidates on a city TV channel. The Warren City Council criticized the fine as too lenient. Fouts is campaigning for a state House seat despite prior violations.


Ex-Warren mayor Fouts settles alleged campaign law violations…

The fines stem from allegations that Fouts endorsed candidates for mayor, city clerk and the city council during his State of the City address on June 22, 2023. Fouts served four terms as Warren's mayor until 2023 when he lost a legal battle that stopped him from running for a fifth.


Ex-Warren Mayor Jim Fouts pays $1,500 to resolve 2023 campaign finance complaint

Former Warren Mayor Jim Fouts was accused of endorsing candidates during his final State of the City address last year. Address aired on TV Warren.